Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Law Enforcement Code Of Ethics - 1221 Words
Police officers who lie should indeed by terminated as a matter of public policy. This unprofessional behavior has a very damaging effect on the effective and efficient service of policing. The IACP Law Enforcement Code of Ethics, which governs the conduct of police officers, clearly emphasizes on the need for desisting from deceitful behavior and for officers engaging in actions that cultivate public trust and confidence from the citizens. As such, Integrity is an essential job requirement for any law enforcement official. According to Serpas (2010), the truthfulness of a police officer is not only an issue of witness credibility in the court, but is also the fundamental nature of the police service. Therefore, untruthful conduct needs to be subject to the most serious disciplinary action, which is termination. Imposing the penalty of termination on untruthful officers is fair as a matter of public policy because it helps to streamline the entire criminal justice system. According to Spector (2008), police supervisors often make decisions based upon the information that they receive from other police officers. Hence, when the officers distorts the truth or intentionally gives false information to the supervisor, the supervisor might end up making misinformed decisions that can undermine the effectiveness of the force. In addition, under the collective knowledge doctrine, law enforcement officers in executing their duties rely upon the information given to them by fellowShow MoreRelatedThe Law Enforcement Code Of Ethics966 Words  | 4 Pages The Law Enforcement Code of Ethics has been established as a reminder to law enforcement officers, the trust that the public has placed in them, and the ethical way that they live their lives, both on, and off duty (Bohm, 2010). Many police depart ments use the basic code as a part of the swearing in ceremony, or at the graduation of a police academy class. 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