Monday, December 30, 2019
Analysis Of Mark Twain s The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer As...
Mark Twain is one of the foremost satire writers, and he is well-known for uses his sense of humor to criticize the 19th society in America’s and propagate his ideal world through The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. People commented Twain as â€Å"Twain does not confine himself to telling a simple children s story. He is, as always, the satirist and commentator on the foibles of human nature†(Roberts), Twain does use his sense of satire in the classical America book: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer as well. The novel is about a group of young children who feels abhorrent about the rigid social expectations and attempts to fight against the major American’s choices, which juxtaposes to adults world and depicts a dark society during the 19th century.†¦show more content†¦During Tom’s summer vacation, he is required to follow the obligations as a result of joining Cadets of Temperance to get the chance to wear â€Å"regalia†. Unfortunately, Tom cannot insist on obeying all the regulations, such as no smoking, chewing and profanity, which if Tom doesn’t obey, Tom would lose a chance to wear â€Å"regalia†. However, Tom does put his hope on when will the old Judge Frazer die  the time for him to wear the â€Å"regalia†. As it described in the book, â€Å"†¦ but he soon gave that up–gave it up before he had worn his shackles over forty-eight hours-–and fixed his hopes upon old Judge Frazer, justice of the peace†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ()that demonstrates how evil Tom is in putting his hope on other’s death. Lastly, when people knew that Tom and Huckleberry searched for the treasure that over ten thousand dollars, people are stirred by Tom and Huckleberry’s windfall and they some actions. For example, â€Å"Every haunted house in St. Petersburg and the neighboring villages was dissected†¦ ransacked for hidden treasure†(226). The action of searching all the haunt ed houses indicates people’s greed about money. Thus, people’s evil and greed have been denominated through showing a nasty side of human nature. Furthermore, the blind conformity of people is revealed in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer in order to criticize the social conventions in name only (Ã¥ ½ ¢Ã¥ Å'虚è ® ¾). People are devoted to their religion without seeking for their true desire. In the novel,Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Mark Twain s The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn752 Words  | 4 Pagesitself as well as everything in it. In the 1880s classic American novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain urges individuals to release themselves from the current bonds of society to achieve a greater level of happiness. In order to reach the greater level of happiness unreachable in the current circumstances of society, individuals must learn from and mimic nature’s methods which nature utilizes to better itself. Analysis of Literature Critics generally agree Mark Twain intentionallyRead MoreThe Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn4280 Words  | 18 PagesNadeem Sbaiti Mrs. Greenlee HN ENG III 1, June 2015 Independent Novel Project The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Knowledge Significance Of Title The title The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn seems to be very self-explanatory of the significance hence the name. Furthermore after further review and thought I have realized there is a deeper meaning than just that of Huckleberry Finn. When the book first begins it is showing the start of the young boys band of robbers and it leads you to believe theRead MoreAP English Language and Composition. Reading Assignment1480 Words  | 6 Pagestext. Please annotate the article and have it on the first day of class. (Link: Your reading assignment for the summer consists of two works: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain and a work of your choice from an approved list. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn will be lent to you by the school; buy or borrow the non-fiction. You will need the work of nonfiction once or twice the first month of school. For Huck Finn, you will keepRead MoreThe Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn Morality Literacy Analysis2556 Words  | 11 PagesDaniel Fu Mrs. Wheat American Literature | Period 3 March 2016 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Morality Literacy Analysis â€Å"The most permanent lessons in morals are those which come, not of book teaching, but of experience.†This quote from Mark Twain best describes the role of morality in his novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in that morality/morals does not come from education/books/society or what people say but from experience/life and their own consciousness. 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The title of the story and the date of its original publication 2. The author s name and birth and death dates. 3. The name of the central character, together with a description of the character s main traits or features. 4. IdentificationRead MoreThe Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain1774 Words  | 8 PagesThere is a major argument among literary critics about whether or not The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, is a racist novel. The book is based off the pre-civil war time era and by doing so people didn’t have high respect for slaves or men of color. I will tell you my opinion from reading this book on why our definition of the â€Å"N†word has changed, why Jim isn’t offended by being called a nigger, and why Huck is different after the trip down river. The Huck Finn book is not racistRead MoreWhat It Means For The American Identity2100 Words  | 9 Pagesthe American Identity. Families could choose to practice a religion, go to a school of their preference, and be treated fairly. Every July 4th, individuals celebrate this great country, America, and their involvement in the American Identity. The analysis of the American Identity is portrayed t hrough four fundamental principles that support the right to â€Å"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness†, those being religion, education, equality, and freedom. In religion, with the core values of beliefRead MoreComparison Of The Rye And The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn 2528 Words  | 11 PagesTHE BENEFITS OF SUFFERING IN THE CATCHER IN THE RYE AND THE ADVENTURES OF HUCKLEBERRY FINN The Catcher in the Rye and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, J.D. Salinger and Mark Twain respectively, narrate the process of self-discovery of a young male protagonist. The Catcher in the Rye takes place sometime in the 1950s. Holden Caulfield, the protagonist, narrates his departure from his private school, Pencey Prep. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
Essay about Anorexia Nervosa in Males An Often Overlooked...
For many the term â€Å"Anorexia†conjures up memories of bone thin, weight obsessed teenage girls, models, and actresses. However, as the spotlight has been shined on Anorexia bringing this secretive and quiet disorder to a wider public perception, many still suffer in silence: either too ashamed to seek treatment, or because of an improper diagnosis. Over three million men each year are affected by Anorexia. In spite of this, men are less likely to be diagnosed, and the disorder is often overlooked due to the misconception that it is a â€Å"girl’s disease†. Unlike females, who are generally afraid to become overweight in an image obsessed society, males affected by the disorder tend to believe they are overweight, suffer from depression, or from†¦show more content†¦As with females, body image among males is a prevailing symptom and underlying motivation for the development and continuation of the disorder. Anorexia is a terrible disorder that ravages the body as it seems to bring comfort to the mind. A female anorexic tends to lose mostly body fat. Men primarily lose muscle tissue and tone. As this is destroyed it takes its toll on the body. Bone loss, heart muscle loss, and anemia are just a few of the ways this disorder affects the body. The two main causes of death with Anorexia are cardiac arrest and terminal dehydration. These are typically brought on by complications of starving the body of required nutrients for long periods of time. Typically, the initial onset of Anorexia strikes in the teen years and continues into young adulthood. During this time, many of those who suffer from symptoms of Anorexia develop a distorted body image. Among men, full blown Anorexia tends to develop later. As previously discussed, Anorexia in males is typically a response to being overweight. Men who develop the disorder generally try to lose weight by restricting their caloric intake and with intense exercise. Men, like women, are being increasingly targeted with similar unrealistic body images. Skinnier models in fashion and an accepted cultural belief that â€Å"a real man†has six pack abs, has created a social atmosphere that causes young males who may be of a healthyShow MoreRelatedBulimia Nervos Anorexia Nervosa2594 Words  | 11 PagesBulimia Nervosa Bulimia originated in Greece, from the word boulimia, which is defined as extreme hunger (the Bella Vita, 2013). Bulimia falls into the category of being a purge disorder, a lot of the time people that struggle with bulimia may have times where they battle with anorexia nervosa, meaning they restrict themselves from eating. There have been so many cases where people battle with bulimia for years upon years, despite the large variety of treatment there is. There are many perspectivesRead MoreGender And Gender Roles1456 Words  | 6 Pagesperson’s behavior based on the appropriate and acceptable rules for their gender. This notion derives from the assumption that girls favor dolls and dress-up, while boys prefer toy guns and trucks. These instances contribute to the concept that those of male and female gender must fulfill a specific ideology. These societal standards are ingrained within us as children and we are taught to become exceedingly aware of them. Girls are trai ned to become vessels of unstable emotions with an excess amount ofRead More Fashion Magazines and Body Image Essay5340 Words  | 22 Pages(Altabe Thompson, 1993; Brenner Cunningham, 1992; Davis Cowles, 1991; Koff, Rierdan, Stubbs, 1990; Mintz Betz, 1986). Even women who can be classified as being within or slightly below the normal weight range for their height often perceive themselves as being overweight and are dissatisfied with their bodies. Body image dissatisfaction is a crucial area of investigation because of its relationship to low self-esteem (Koff, Rierdan, Stubbs, 1990) and to depression (RierdanRead MorePsy 410 Week 2 and 3 Matrix of Disorders7746 Words  | 31 Pageshaving a panic attack), Social Anxiety Disorder (e.g., being embarrassed in public), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (e.g, anxiety about being contaminated), Separation Anxiety Disorder (e.g., anxiety about being away from home or close relatives), Anorexia Nervosa (e.g., fear of gaining weight), Somatization Disorder (e.g., anxiety about multiple physical complaints), Body Dysmorphic Disorder (e.g., worry about perceived appearance flaws), Hypchondriasis (e.g., belief about having a serious illness), and
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Mechanism of PM Effects on Human Free Essays
Mechanism of PM Effects on Human Introduction Further surveies are still needed on understanding the mechanism of effects of PM. Although surveies have shown the injury increasing with increasing PM concentration, the existent contribute facts are non clear. In these limited surveies, different exposure clip shows different effects. We will write a custom essay sample on Mechanism of PM Effects on Human or any similar topic only for you Order Now Some effects shown in short clip exposure while some effects shown in long clip exposure. Since the true mechanism of PM consequence on cardiovascular is non clear now, extra research of toxicological is needed. To better the measuring of specific consequence of PM on human wellness, environment and survey sample can besides be specified. Aims: The experiment and work on the farther research can be specified as followed short-run aims: Design and better in vivo and in vitro toxicological experimental theoretical accounts. Many surveies has been done on vivo and vitro toxicological experiment to happen the consequence of PM to cardiovascular, nevertheless, the direct parametric quantity of disease haven’t been clarified. Based on the in vivo and in vitro toxicological experiment, farther experiment on cell degree could stipulate the possible direct parametric quantity. The effects on PM on human wellness likely caused by the effects on cells, particularly on vascular cells and lung cells. To gauge the possibility of this premise, the cell experiment is needed. Once the mechanism of PM effects is clarified on cell degree, the molecule degree experiment can be design. The molecule is the concluding parametric quantity of the effects of PM. The farther aims ( 3-5 old ages ) are focused on the survey of emanation control of PM. Based on the mechanism of PM consequence on cell and human wellness, the chief parametric quantity and direct component can be decide. In that instance, the emanation commanding could concentrate on the chief component of PM. Since the composing of PM have varies of chemical, biological or metal particulates, the specific mechanism of effects on wellness can be assortment so the farther surveies are needed in that field. Literature Reappraisal: Cardiovascular disease-related mortality can be triggered when exposure to PM2.5 in a few hours per hebdomad ; greater extent can happen even in a longer-term exposure for case few old ages and can cut down life anticipation by exposed in high sections of population for several old ages. Cardiovascular mortality will cut down with decrease degree of PM within a clip of few old ages. Biological plausibleness to these findings has been proved. Mounting grounds of the injury of cardiovascular effects of air pollution has been published in late informations. The elevated hazard for cardiovascular with exposure to ticket PM2.5 has been corroborated by most of epidemiological surveies. Mechanisms has been studied by many penetrations that PM was proved have ability to advance cardiovascular disease ( CVDs ) . Endothelial disfunction, increased blood force per unit area, vasoconstriction, prothrombotic and systemic inflammatory and oxidative emphasis responses are been proved have linked to air pollutants. Methodology: Work plan1: In Vivo Experiment Model Enhancement. Yeas 1-2 The really first controlled homo survey related to the PM consequence on vascular map was reported that ague conduit arterial vasoconstriction was caused by exposure to concentrated ambient atoms ( CAP ) plus ozone. However, endothelium dependant and independent vasodilation is still at good status. Recently, survey found that PM2.5 is the ground for the inauspicious vascular effects but non ozone. However, all right CAP exposure did turn out ability of decreasing conduit artery endothelium-dependent vasodilation in 24hours, in the late more complicate experiments. However, the happening in Toronto, Canada of CAP-induced endothelial disfunction insight the composing of the atoms is more of import fact to find the mechanism of PM effects on homo. The improved in vivo experiment theoretical account analysis varies sort of particulate affair with different cricks of composing. To better the experiment theoretical account, controlled air pollution exposures is needed. Controlled air poll ution exposure is shown a unsure impact to map of impair endothelial or vasomotor tone. PM2.5 have different beginnings and the combustion-derived beginnings are the maim beginnings. However, some sorts of PM2.5 have a low dosage in combustion-derived beginnings. Besides, particles chemical science survey in old research shows positive determination in Diesel exposure surveies. There is no impair on microvacular endothelial map in healthy subjuests during a 24-hour exposure to ambient pollution shunted into a chamber in busy street. 1 The work plan1 is expected to happen the direct consequence mechanism of PM at tissue degree. Work during the work program 1 will incorporate experiments to obvious the effects of homo in exposure in different sorts of PM. Work program: 2 Improved Toxicological Experiment in cellular degree. Years 2-3 The effects of particulate air pollution and nanoparticles have been investigated. However, respiratory effects are focused by most of the surveies like inspiration, intratracheal or intranasal insillation. It is easy to understand that redness and oxidative emphasis can be caused by exposure to particulate 2. Single-dose intratracheal instillment of diese exhaust atoms can do lung redness characterized by inflow of inflammatory cells accurately. Interleukin-6 was found released in 18 h. Collected from the urban country of Sao Paulo, acute exposure of healthy mice by intranasal intranasal instillment to PM2.5 caused lung redness and oxidative emphasis and worsened lung electric resistance dose-dependent form 3. Pretreatment of mice with eugenol prevented the alterations in lung mechanics, pneumonic redness, and alveolar prostration which reported late by a research group. To work on the cell degree experiment, we can utilize lung cells as the sample. Culture the cell in the ambiance with different sorts of PM to compare their effects. The cell even can be record all the clip with the alteration in its form and chemical composing. Isotopically labled engineering besides can be used as a method to track the particulate and enter their way in the cell. Experiment in cellular degree will supply obvious in cellular degree. Since the effects of PM on homo are complicate procedure, PM may play a function as signal molecule or direct parametric quantity. The concluding outlook of work program 2 should inflect the possible cause and effects of PM. Work plan:3 Molecular degree experiment. TiO2hold many industrial applications. Occring in four crystalline polymorphs of which rutile, TiO2is considered appears much common as anatase. TiO2atom, increased release of lactate dehydrogenase, wll reactive oxygn species every bit good as down mitochondrial activity in human epithelial tissue cells. As a popular phtocalyst, TiO2hold great advantage uncomplete mineralization of organic pollutants in waste H2O and air. However, late researches show that pneumonic neurophilia and the increased look of tumour mortification will caused in the lung tissue 4. Molecular degree experiment obvers the atom activity and will happen the mechanism of the effects. Atom force microscope ( AFM ) or other engineering can be used to plan a series experiments to happen the relation between the particulate form and its influence. We could choose different sorts of atoms with different form and diameter and utilize these sorts of atom to make nature experiment to compare the alteration in sample’s blood and vas. These experiments may take a long clip. Anticipatedsignificance: For this research, the awaited significance is to sum up the mechanism and the consequence of PM on homo. To accomplish the awaited significance, several stairss is needed: 1 ) Design the in vivo and in vitro experiment with utilizing different sorts of PM and reiterate the experiment with different sort of people in different country to minimise the likely mistake ; 2 ) Based on the effect of the first measure, plan the experiment at cell degree to analyse the PM effects on cells. An unreal lung can be built to better the experiment that exists. 3 ) To compare the form and other physical or chemical character of different sorts of PM to find the most harmful character and happen the mechanism at molecule degree. Mention 1.Brauner EV, Moller P, Barregard L, Dragsted LO, Glasius M, Wahlin P, et Al. Exposure to ambient concentrations of particulate air pollution does non act upon vascular map or inflammcatory tracts in immature healthy persons. Part Fibre Toxicol 2008, 5: 13. 2.Nemmar A, Alaˆ?Salam S, Zia S, Marzouqi F, Alaˆ?Dhaheri A, Subramaniyan D, et Al. Contrasting actions of Diesel fumes atoms on the pneumonic and cardiovascular systems and the effects of thymoquinone. British diary of pharmacological medicine 2011, 164 ( 7 ) : 1871-1882. 3.Riva D, Magalhaes C, Lopes A, Lancas T, Mauad T, Malm O, et al. Low dosage of all right particulate affair ( PM2. 5 ) can bring on acute oxidative emphasis, redness and pneumonic damage in healthy mice. Inhalation toxicology 2011, 23 ( 5 ) : 257-267. 4.Melghit K, Al-Rabaniah SS. Photodegradation of Congo ruddy under sunshine catalysed by nanorod rutile TiO A ; lt ; sub A ; gt ; 2 A ; lt ; /sub A ; gt ; . Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 2006, 184 ( 3 ) : 331-334. How to cite Mechanism of PM Effects on Human, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Coming Out as a Human free essay sample
The biggest risk I’ve ever taken was going to a pizzeria on a Friday afternoon. My friend John and I found ourselves in Union Square: John with his slice of pepperoni pizza and me sheepishly leafing through a container of overpriced lettuce. My teachers from the conservative yeshiva I attended would have scolded me had they known I was entering a non-kosher eatery, and on the eve of the Sabbath of all times! I was going against everything I had known my entire life. However, I was committed to finding out the truth I had been sheltered from for so many years. How could I deny myself this opportunity for personal exploration? John turned out to be the perfect sounding board for introspection on my beliefs. After talking with John about the fundamentals of religion, its practicality in the modern world, and the current state of Israel, I had met my match. We will write a custom essay sample on Coming Out as a Human or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For the first time, my views were questioned. I had to defend both to John and to myself why I believed what I did; the â€Å"I was brought up this way†answer was not going to suffice anymore. While chatting with John was eye opening, my beliefs were about to be reevaluated on a level I never anticipated. One night, I found out the friend I had known so warmly was gay; the first gay person I had ever knowingly encountered. This was no grand revelation on a mountaintop; a mutual friend told me in advance. At first, I couldn’t accept it. How could someone I cared about so deeply identify himself with a lifestyle that I was taught was immoral? This had nothing to do with John’s morality, it was about my own. How could I pride myself on having such high moral standards when I was being so judgmental? It wasn’t a matter of validating homosexuality or not, the problem was my closed mindedness to a concept that was new to me. I learned to understand John by spending more time with him. So what if he liked boys? He was one of the nicest and most selfless people I ever metâ€â€a friend who had made me laugh and had helped me through some anxious days, and not fitting in at school. He taught me how to act pragmatically when situations were not ideal, and reminded me that everything is not as it seems. John was the person who admired my curiosity and activism for causes I felt passionate about. Reciprocally, I learned to appreciate him being who he is: proud and fearless in the face of opposition. As our friendship progressed, I became more socially aware, and started to worry less about not fitting in; I realized that I, like John, was born to stand out and make a difference. After accepting John’s sexual orientation, I became more sensitive to the commonplace homophobic slurs in the hallways. Until meeting John, I never thought anything of them. Now, upon hearing one, I say somethingboth because it is offensive and because I know what it feels like to be on the receiving end of a slur. A friend asked me how I was becoming more religious if I had a gay best friendthe two were mutually exclusive in his mind. But to me, this was no contradiction. By learning to accept people who are different from me and relate to their hardships, I have become a better human being and thus feel closer to the entity that created us all.
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