Monday, September 30, 2019
Jillian Michaels Biographical Essay Essay
People tend to gain weight because they want to fill an emotional void. For many, this void get filled with food. Like a chasm, the void represents a deep hole that feels inescapable. Most people feel so insecure and weak, that the idea of losing weight seems insurmountable. Jillian Michaels, the trainer from The Biggest Loser, helps people overcome emotional obstacles that manifest themselves in their physical beings. Born in Los Angeles California, and raised in Santa Monica, Jillian carried around issues like that of any child. Devastated by her parents’ divorce, Jillian found herself struggling with weight problems in her early teens. At the age of twelve, Jillian weighed almost 175 pounds. Realizing Jillian’s weight problem, her mom signed her up for a martial arts class. Five years later, at the age of seventeen Jillian put her passion for fitness to work and became a personal trainer. Today, Jillian stands at 5’2†, and weighs about 125 pounds. Although petite, the rambunctious character shines through in her reality show The Biggest Loser. Oftentimes, Jillian screams, â€Å"Unless you puke, faint, or die, keep going!†As these words echo through the gym, Jillian Michaels gives out beatings to her contestants, weighing in at almost four hundred pounds, these people allowed themselves to become morbidly obese. Glued to a couch for years, you might, in fact, mistake these people for a bouncy house. In one day on The Biggest Loser, they go from zero movement to full-fledged cardio vascular activity. Using erratic techniques such as plyometrics, boxing, and circuit training, weight gets shredded by the pound. Most might say that Jillian Michaels comes off as intimidating and mean, mainly because she enjoys screaming at people and watching them drop like flies. Like a drill Sargent, Jillian Michaels yells at her contestants as if they were soldiers. Her scream, shrill and blood curdling, encourages and motivates. These contestants, basically on the edge of death, put their lives in the hands of Jillian Michaels. She only yells because she cares and wants to help these people save their lives. Exercise, especially on the Biggest Loser, holds considerable importance. However, Jillian finds it crucial to also eat healthy. While you do burn calories exercising, you can just as easily eat right through them. Jillian, of course, uses her own life as an example for how people should eat and live. Eating mainly organic, she doesn’t see the need to feed our bodies harsh preservatives and chemicals, such as Taco Bell. In many health magazines, Jillian also talks about portioning. She says as long as you eat fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight. Although difficult, it definitely can be achieved. While considered uptight and neurotic, Jillian does, however, show a compassionate side. She pushes everyone until they break, or until their emotions start to bubble over. Latching on like a leach, Jillian starts to focus on the source of the problem. It is a reoccurring theme that obese people gain weight due to psychological factors. Well aware of this, Jillian uses it to her advantage. She finds the issue that made these people gain weight in the first place, and then helps them accept it. By discovering the original problem, these people start to better understand themselves. Jillian helps them realize why they gained weight, and this allows them to prevent it from happening again. Many people hire a personal trainer to get their butt kicked; or maybe to push them farther than they thought imaginable. With two reality shows, six books, and multiple fitness videos, we can conclude that Jillian Michaels is here to help. Jillian stresses the idea of exercise and healthy eating, while also encouraging the idea of therapy and clearing up your past. At first glance you might say that Jillian comes off as a simple TV character who doesn’t really care about anyone but herself. However, after thorough digging, the love Jillian shows for humanity becomes apparent. Finding drive or desire to exercise sometimes proves to be difficult. With Jillian Michaels’ help, you will find the support and inspiration you need to get off the couch and start moving. Making the world better one over weight person at a time, I hope to one-day give back to the world as much as Jillian Michaels.
Global Warming And Its Many Ramifications Essay
The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (U. S. EPA) supports all ordinances involving environmental protection and the abatement of natural resources degradation. These laws aim to restrict people from abusing the environment and destroying the natural habitats of numerous species. The CATO Institute in Washington believes that the government is not doing enough in terms of environmental protection. The institute emphasizes that government intervention needs to exert more effort in pursuing environmental preservation. The government is essential in pursuing this goal since this endeavor requires a huge amount of monetary and human resources and may not be achieved by a small number of people only (439-440). With the population continually increasing, natural resources are quickly dwindling, and with the loss of natural habitat, the flora and fauna also perish. Currently, the government pursues strategies that aim to protect the plants and animals affected by heightened human development. Better laws and ordinances need to be passed for the government to effectively preserve the ecosystem. If not, the world risks the possibility of humans satisfying only their own needs and satisfaction, without thinking of the long-term effects of development (U. S. EPA) Crucial Environmental Issues The emergence of numerous environmental issues, including the extinction of several plants and animals as well as changes in weather patterns, caused the government to implement restrictions on the activities of man affecting the environment. However, despite the efforts on the part of the government, environmental problems still occur. According to the U. S. EPA, fragmented tactics are not expected to be effective in protecting the environment as only the obvious problems are being undertaken, while the complex and less obvious environmental issues still remain. The U. S. EPA believes that it is important for the government to change the fundamentals of environmental policies. More restrictions need to be incorporated whenever development is envisioned. This is because with the current rate of development, plants and animals are in danger of not continuing to live in their natural habitats. Population explosion depletes the natural resources, which include plants and animals, which humans consume for their survival. In addition, human settlements also destroy the natural habitats of numerous species. Howard M. Singletary, Director of Plant Industry of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture, believes that biological diversity is essential in environmental protection (Evaluate the Social). Conserving biological diversity involves the protection of the entire ecosystem. Humans may see themselves as important or more important than the plants and animals that get destroyed as a result of increased population, but it should be noted that the environmental issues that man is facing at the present time are due to the absence of preventive planning. The short-term economic and monetary gains have frequently been treated as more important than the ecosystem. Yet, the destruction of plants and animals as well as their habitat contribute much in global warming and extreme weather situations. (Evaluate the Social). Humanity needs to see the impact of overdevelopment. People also need to realize that they need to invest and sacrifice certain conveniences and luxuries in order to achieve long-term environmental goals. The scientific community and several advocacy groups are supporting government efforts to preserve the environment. The global movement is for the greater good and is based on the fact the earth and everything in it is not owned by a single individual, group or corporation. The scale of the human economy is now such that the wilderness areas that sustain much of the world’s remaining biological diversity are shrinking fast. The rates of wildlife habitat takeover and of species extinctions are the fastest they have ever been in recorded history, and they are accelerating. Tropical forests, the world’s richest species habitats, have already been 55 percent destroyed, and the current rate exceeds 168,000 square kilometers per year. (Evaluate the Social). Stabilizing populations Stabilizing population is more important in industrial countries than in developing countries, since the former overconsume and hence overpollute and are thereby responsible for the greatest increase in the impact of human activities on the already overtaxed environment. The richest 20 percent of the world consume over 70 percent of the world’s commercial energy. Thirteen countries have already reached a fertility rate required in order to achieve zero population growth, so it is not utopian to expect others to follow. The population growth-rate of developing countries of course must also be reduced dramatically. Their population is now 77 percent of the world’s total, and they are responsible for 90 percent of the world’s annual population growth. (Evaluate the Social). The poor must be helped and will justifiably demand to reach at least minimally acceptable living standards by obtaining access to the remaining natural resource base. When industrial nations switch from input growth to qualitative development, more resources and environmental functions will be available for the poor in the South. Scientists observe that as the planet warms up, a great deal of ice and snow near the poles will probably start to melt. That will expose dark tundra and dark seas. That will warm things up – like painting a white roof black. The darker the terrain gets, the warmer those parts of the world will get. More snow will melt there, making the terrain even hotter. All these explanations fill more than thirty pages of rather small print in the Philosophical Magazines, and every one of the calculations had to be solved by hand. To make a greenhouse forecast, experts now build what amounts to a working scales model of the Earth inside a supercomputer. They start with a blank globe, divided into a grid like the grid of latitude and longitude. Typically each box in the grid covers several hundred miles on a side. These boxes are stacked from the surface of the planet high into the atmosphere – a dozen layers of giant boxes of air. Public concern over environmental policy was minimal until the end of the nineteenth century. As the United States expanded westward, the horizon seemed to present an unlimited supply of land, water, mineral deposits and timber. Farming techniques reflected little concern for minimizing soil depletion. Forests were cleared without concern for reforestation or the devastation of soil erosion. Minerals were mined and metals smelted without concern for their effects on fresh-water supplies; when contamination did result, it seemed a minor problem, because alternative sources of water seemed endless. (Royan, 2001). Despite a history of conservation policies, fundamental concerns over environmental protection were still absent from the policy agenda as late as the 1950s. The publication of Silent Spring in 1962 drew attention to the dangers of pesticides such as DDT, in the food chain. The sense of social responsibility that emerged in the 1960s also moved environmental policy from the background to the forefront of the policy agenda. Energy made it to the headlines once again in the year 2000; a shocking power crisis hit the state of California (Royan, 2001). Companies had realized once more that the horrors brought about by serious energy problems over the past three decades had not gone away. The California electricity crisis could potentially fan out towards other states; not only impact would it impact the profitability of a company, but could certainly put many out of business. As the new century fast approaches, the world has slowly realized the synergy between energy conservation and global economic competitiveness. Energy conservation entails the elimination of wastes through the improvement of industrial facilities and processes. Energy conservation also implies environment preservation through pollution prevention, and mitigating the trends toward global warming. Global competitiveness goes hand in hand with energy conservation, and many industrial firms from all over the world have realized that. Worldwide energy consumption in recent years has continued to escalate not only in developed countries but also in developing countries, primarily as a result of rapid industrialization and improvement in the standard of living. In a recent survey conducted by the Association of Energy Engineers, about 22 percent among those surveyed claimed to have reduced accumulated costs by $5 million or more by implementing energy conservation strategies (Cornforth, 1992). The potential for additional savings is still great. Thirty-six percent among those surveyed indicated that further savings that amount to over 10 percent are possible. Thus, investment in protocols that promote energy conservation has proven to be effective in saving costs by reducing waste materials resulting from industrial processes. As the next century approaches, the economic world has gradually come to realize that energy conservation offers the most profitable competitive advantage. Marked improvements in the efficiency of industrial processes or facilities to save fuel consumption reduce wastage. HiTAC has been a significant energy conservation development in recent years, and is now applied to industrial furnaces in many factories worldwide. A positive consequence of saving energy is minimizing greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming. Because of the increased efficiency in combustion using HiTAC, nitrogen oxide and carbon dioxide-byproducts of incomplete burning, are reduced. Therefore, HiTAC saves on operational costs by making fuel consumption more efficient; and consequently, efficient fuel consumption minimizes waste products, among which are greenhouse gases that trigger global warming. (Hotel & Sarofim, 1967). Major Changes Taking Place in the US Population and Projected Problems Due to the Climate Changes The US is said to have the highest population of the developed nations, and one of the highest population growth rates at one percent, equivalent to 2. 5 million new Americans every year (Haub). Three national population trends that have been identified in a recent US census are changes in geographic distribution, changes in ethnic composition, and the effect of immigration on population (Haub). With regard to the changing geographic distribution of the population, the population is said to be shifting from the Northeast and Midwest to the South and West, both because of internal migration and immigration from other countries (Haub). With regard to ethic composition, while ethnic minorities are said to comprise 25 percent of the population currently, that percentage will increase to 50 percent in 50 years, with Asians rising in numbers from 7. 1 to 40 million by 2050, and Hispanics rising in numbers to 90 million in 2050, constituting 22 percent of the population (Haub). Immigration, on the other hand, presently accounts for a third of the population increase yearly, and is expected to be a major contributor to population growth in the future (Haub). It naturally follows that the South and West will have to deal with the attendant problems of the shifting geographic distribution in its favor, while the change in ethnic composition can be predicted to contribute its own set of problems. Problems Causing the Decline in the Quality of Life in Cities, Possible Solutions It is said that more than a billion urban dwellers, out of a total of three billion, are located in slum areas, with half living in Asia (Whelan). This is indicative of the mammoth problems of governments with regard to the provision for food (Sustainable Development Networking Program), opportunities for employment, environmental degradation, sanitation, and general quality of living in cities. Another problem causing the decline in quality of life is said to be urban sprawl, whose effects range from over-congestion to pollution (Goodwin). In the US, the states that are the destination of internal and external migration and immigration in the ongoing shift in geographic distribution of the population that will have to deal with these issues. Proposed solutions include the revision of federal laws to limit immigration, the creation of boundaries that will redirect urban growth to places where urban services can be provided, and tighter control on allowable density and housing (Goodwin). There are many environmentalists like Senator Hillary who had been bold about her support on the Supreme Court’s Global Warming Decision. She states that the scientific consensus is that global warming poses a serious threat to human activities (Statement of Senator Hillary Clinton on the Supreme Court†¦2007, par 1). She challenges President Bush to address this pressing global environmental threat as soon as possible. Issues on the Ozone In the discussions on the ozone hole, it is but apt to provide a brief explanation on what exactly is the ozone and how it is formed. The ozone, according to the Centre for Atmospheric Science, â€Å"forms a layer in the stratosphere, thinnest in the tropics (around the equator) and denser towards the poles†. More specifically, â€Å"[O]zone is a toxic, strong reactive compound consisting of three oxygen atoms†(Francois). As explained by the Centre for Atmospheric Science, the ozone is formed â€Å"when ultraviolet [radiation coming from the sun], strikes the stratosphere, dissociating (or splitting) oxygen molecules to atomic oxygen†¦[that] quickly combines with further oxygen molecules to form ozone†More commonly, the ozone is known as the layer that protects human beings and other living things from the harmful rays of the sun, more specifically, the ultraviolet rays-shielding us from being stricken by skin cancer. This common conception of the ozone layer, which provides a good notion of what ozone is, is just one side of the coin. Scientists refer to this more commonly know ozone as the stratospheric ozone (Centre for Atmospheric Science). On the other side of the coin is the tropospheric or the ground level ozone, which is considered as a major health hazard, is a â€Å"major constituent of photochemical smog†(Centre for Atmospheric Science). It is referred to as a pollutant because of its being lethal if inhaled (Newman). Ozone Facts According to the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), the story of the ozone hole has its roots from the chlorofluorocarbons or CFC’s, â€Å"a family of most commonly used industrial compounds†. CFC’s was invented by Thomas Midgley in 1928 which later on was called as a â€Å"miracle compound†due to its proven useful for man’s convenience (NRDC). Since then, it was effectively â€Å"used in refrigeration systems, air conditioners, aerosols, solvents and in the production of some types of packaging†(Francois). However, decades after the â€Å"miracle compound†was invented and used in many industries and households as effective refrigerants, it was found out that it had caused a serious damage to the environment, more particularly to the ozone layer. It took American scientists Mario Molina and Sherwood Rowland to prove that the â€Å"miracle compound†turned out to be damaging to the environment as they hypothesized in 1974 that CFC’s â€Å"possibly played an active role in the depletion of the ozone layer†(NRDC). This announcement had sparked heated debates not just among scientists but also among policymakers, environmentalists and industry players on the â€Å"whys and wherefores of ozone depletion†(NRDC). It was explained by Newman that CFC’s became harmful to the ozone because of its chlorine make-up and â€Å"it turn[ed] out that CFC’s are an excellent way of introducing chlorine into the ozone layer†. This happens as the ultraviolet radiation coming from the sun strikes CFC’s that go up into the altitude of the ozone layer, this UV radiation breaks down CFC’s and frees chlorine (Newman). After chlorine has been freed, this â€Å"has the potential to destroy large amount of ozone†(Newman). Francois also provides connection of the thinning of the ozone layer to the introduction of large amount of chlorine in the atmosphere through the use of CFC’s. The Centre for Atmospheric Science stated that â€Å"Evidence that human activities affect the ozone layer has been building up over the last 20 years, ever since scientists first suggested that the release of CFC’s into the atmosphere could reduce the amount of ozone over our heads†. But prior to the hole being discovered, the negative effects of the CFC’s were never taken seriously by the majority of the people as they were not convinced on the connection between CFC’s and the depletion of the ozone layer (NRDC). In 1985, a major discovery had brought great alarm to the whole world as it was discovered by Joseph Farman and his colleagues that there was a hole in the ozone layer (Newman [b]). In fact, the severity of the discovered ozone depletion made the English scientist in the Halley Bay station in Antarctica, who discovered the hole, to think that the equipment he used to measure the extent of the hole was broken (NRDC). He sent the equipment back to England to have the equipment repaired but when he tried to measure the depletion again, his initial finding that the ozone layer had been depleted was confirmed (Francois). Another theoretical attempt, which later on was proven to be correct, was the â€Å"recipe of the ozone loss†as summarized by the Centre for Atmospheric Science as follows: †¢ â€Å"The polar winter leads to the formation of the polar vortex which isolates the air within it. †¢ â€Å"Cold temperatures form inside the vortex; cold enough for the formation of Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSCs). As the vortex air is isolated, the cold temperatures and the PSCs persist. †¢ â€Å"Once the PSCs form, heterogeneous reactions take place and convert the inactive chlorine and bromine reservoirs to more active forms of chlorine and bromine. †¢ â€Å"No ozone loss occurs until sunlight returns to the air inside the polar vortex and allows the production of active chlorine and initiates the catalytic ozone destruction cycles. Ozone loss is rapid. The ozone hole currently covers a geographic region a little bigger than Antarctica and extends nearly 10km in altitude in the lower stratosphere. â€Å" Basically, the preceding enumeration of the â€Å"recipe of the ozone loss†is similar to the Heterogeneous Chemistry Theory that proposed chemical reactions occurring within the ozone layer. This also explains why the hole is over Antarctica and not over the other continents. The atmospheric conditions prevailing in Antarctica, which is its having ultra cold temperature, suits the chemical reactions that take place resulting to ozone depletion. Consequences of Depleted Ozone The most common knowledge as to the adverse effects of the depletion of the ozone layer is that it increases the penetration of the ultraviolet radiation resulting to more skin cancer. As Francois puts it, â€Å"[W]hen this protective layer is reduced, it has dramatic consequences on life†such as slower photosynthesis among plants as increased radiation results to less metabolism; destruction of micro-organisms which play a vital role in the food chain; and, the increase in cases of skin cancer. Basically, the depletion of the ozone layer can result to an enormous change in the ecological balance. It is a universal fact, based on the studies and researches that have been made, that a little tip in the ecological balance could result to a mammoth change in our environment that could adversely affect the way people live. The slight increase in temperature can cause destructive floods to countries surrounded by oceans. In the case of the increase in the ozone hole, it can results to unfavorable changes in our environment starting from the destruction of micro-organisms and the instability that it causes to the metabolism of plants responsible to changes in photosynthesis. These changes may not be visible in the present time, which makes many people complacent and insensitive as to their roles in the protection of the ozone layer, but catastrophic results can be felt in the near future.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Feasibility Study Proposal Example
Business Proposal for Al Bustan Retail Facility (ARF) Prepared By: Dr. Munir Hourani Introduction Al Bustan Retail Facility (ARF) Business Proposal will define broad city-wide goals for sustainable development into focused, actionable, area-specific strategies to ensure the vitality of the central area of Abu Dhabi city and enable us to achieve our community vision Abu Dhabi 2030. The planning process will place an emphasis on ways to promote and improve mixed uses and quality future concept of a retail facility, service-oriented and affordable, transportation and parking management, and the quality and capacity of public infrastructure.Our intent is to identify, understand, and address current strengths and barriers to the creation of new futuristic retail facility development. At the same time we need to make the hard decisions necessary to facilitate the continued evolution and maturation of this vital and dynamic mixed use (ARF) facility. We will hire specialized retail consultan t to help produce and accomplish this study and put it in force. Feasibility Study Methodology Our Study will serve the objectives by addressing the future retail marketing concepts through utilizing and studying of the following trends: 1.Successful in international retail trends and retailing trends to attract the ‘new consumer'. 2. Creating new store (Future Stores) designs and concepts to engage consumers and drive profits. 3. Utilizing the latest in-store technology platforms to effectively create, manage and measure the in-store shopper experience. 4. Harnessing the power of innovative multichannel solutions to engage with new customers and increase the shopper experience 5. Maximizing the potential of social media to engage with the new consumer 6.Future Branding: Connecting your brand with today's consumer 7. Engaging with the regional consumer: Successfully introducing customer loyalty schemes to increase repeat custom, brand visibility and profitability 8. Capitalizi ng on the soaring growth of the grocery and FMCG market in the Middle East. Retail Feasibility Analysis A retail market analysis will help to determine strengths, gaps and opportunities for retail development and retention of ARF. Bearing in mind the following feasibility understanding: Abu Dhabi downtown is home to one of the most dynamic small downtowns in the UAE. ARF is one of the centerpiece of the community from a retail, dining, and entertainment perspective and widely regarded as one of the most successful mixed-use area. The ARF vicinity provides a variety of office, residential, cultural, retail, and institutional uses and is the undisputed center of new Abu Dhabi. * Over the past several years, the retail climate in Abu Dhabi has evolved. Major retail developments, traditional retail competitors and malls have added worthy competitors to downtown Abu Dhabi. Retail business has benefitted from the climate dominating Abu Dhabi island ( humid and hot ) most of the years roun d, to create the culture of shopping and entertaining in indoor areas. * Downtown Abu Dhabi is now at a crossroads of development. The community has enjoyed marked success since the boom of 1990s and does not wish to rest on those accomplishments. The recent recession has â€Å"complicated†the market forces at work in the country, resulting in store closures, reduced profits, and traditional retail churn.In Abu Dhabi all of this is happening at the same time that retail and dining destinations have expanded out of the traditional retail business. * As you know Abu Dhabi now is on the cusp of a new downtown master plan process that will provide detailed analysis of downtown and provide the chance to share this planned community expansion. Scope of Work We will be working on the following subjects or tasks to fulfill the Objectives of the study. The Scope of work will be limited to the following: 1. Review and understanding of prior Abu Dhabi retail market. 2.Overview of local and ARF vicinity retail capacity including: * Market definition * Market segmentation and demographic analysis 3. Analyze the existing retail mix and growth for the ARF, and the assessment of visitor versus local traffic. 4. Identify potential retail voids in the ARF area. 5. Recommendations to capture retail market opportunities, and reinforce customer base. 6. Marketing recommendations: to develop a series of new retail brand allocation (Franchises), marketing, business retention, and recruitment recommendations for ARF. Specific Deliverables: 1. Review of prior Abu Dhabi retail market Report. . Local and ARF vicinity retail capacity Report. 3. The assessment of visitor versus local traffic Report. 4. Identify potential retail voids in the ARF area Report. 5. Marketing Recommendations and new retail brand Recommendation Report. 6. Al Bustan Retail Facility (ARF) Feasibility Study Final Report; detailing the results of the tasks mentioned above, also including an Executive Summary of major findings. 7. An annotated presentation for sharing findings easily with stakeholders. Project Phases Phase 1: Review of prior Abu Dhabi retail market task, and Local and ARF vicinity retail capacity task.This phase will end with delivery of the mentioned tasks Reports. Phase 2: The assessment of visitor versus local traffic task. Identify potential retail voids in the ARF area task, nd Marketing Recommendations task. This phase will end with delivery of the mentioned tasks Reports. Phase 3: Feasibility Study Final Report; detailing the results of the tasks mentioned above, also including an Executive Summary of major findings. Project Duration This study will need 90 days for the purpose of executing all Business Proposal objectives.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Assignment #2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
#2 - Assignment Example In addition, they structure human perception in a religious, political and personal level. Advancements in technology and globalization in the present century have intensified the changes in public viewpoints. In the main, matters pertaining to facts, uprightness, and even holiness are argued out based on conflicting religious, chauvinistic, cultural and ideological narrations. Barry Levinsons â€Å"Wag the Dog†is a petrifying political satire that is both worryingly conceivable and swift, side-splitting and endearingly mouth-watering. There is a media bombardment that accompanies any present-day international predicament. In the movie, it is clearly evidenced how easy it is to concoct public agitation and the dubiousness that accompanies the intentions. Levinsons movie is a satire of how reality can be altered to serve certain interest and produce a public perception. Stories are created and some cooked up with an aim of deceiving the press and influencing human reasoning. For instance, a representation of a smart bomb disintegrating into an Iraqi smokestack imprisons the nations imaginings to a point that their opinion on the government or the Iraq inhabitants changes. After watching the movie, one finds it hard to trust any information from any media outlet. The story evidences that human opinion is undeniably controlled by the office-bearers fo r their own personal interests. Joan Didion’s â€Å"Fixed Ideas†explores the government’s efforts to construct an imperial America based on the 9/11 assaults by extremists. This has largely created a disconnection among Americans who now hold varied opinions. As a result, the society demonizes personalities who do not uphold their standpoint or present dissimilar viewpoints. Didion prods into the logic and hidden agendas of the policymakers on matters concerning warfare. The narrative ideology is evident in the way the State House presents
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Physical Education Effects Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Physical Education Effects - Thesis Example Before discussing the problem, it is important for us to understand the significance of Physical Education. â€Å"Hundreds of studies have evaluated health education and concluded that it is effective in reducing the number of teenage pregnancies, decreasing smoking rates among young people, and preventing the adoption of many high-risk behaviors.†(Summerfield) Most health organizations, around the world, lay stress upon the importance of physical activity. It is recommended that the child must take part in physical activity for about sixty minutes daily to improve his or her health and to eliminate the risk of diseases such as heart problems and obesity and even some most fatal ones such as Cancer. Physical activity has wide-ranging effects on human health. â€Å"Poor diet and physical inactivity might soon overtake tobacco as the leading cause of death.†Today, urban community is facing a lot more problems of health than that living some decades ago. This is because of the reduction in physical activity due to the increasing pressure of work in the fast world. Time shortage due to increased workload and financial pressure has led to a substantial decrease in physical activity. That is why; we are facing more and more health problems every day.Probably, physical education has much more important effects on human health than on academic performance, yet the relationship between physical education and academic performance is necessary to be defined in order to support physical education in schools.
Cultural landscape Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Cultural landscape - Essay Example The economic status of the region is better than in other parts of the United States. The educational system is superb which provides its youth with opportunities for growth and professional development. One of the greatest virtues of Atlantic City is the diversity of its people. Religion plays a big part in the cultural landscape of a region. For instance in the Middle East religion affects the daily lives of its people evidence by the fact of the existence of a holy war that has lasted centuries. In my region religion influences the people positively because it helps build moral and ethical standards. Some of the religions that are practiced in my community include Roman Catholicism, United Methodist, Muslims, Evangelical Lutheran, Episcopal, Presbyterian, and Baptist. The religion that is practiced the most in Atlantic City is Roman Catholicism with a participation rate of 61.4% of the population (City-data). People in Atlantic City have a wide variety of religions to choose from. The religious movement in Atlantic City has helped a lot people especially the
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
WORKING IN THE LAW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
WORKING IN THE LAW - Essay Example Those who advocate for the abandoning of this doctrine recommend comparative negligence, which is considered more equitable than this.2 When applying contributory negligence, the person who is injured ends up being forced to bear all the losses despite the losses having been caused by a second party’s misconduct.3 The person who is injured in this case assumes the collective burden while the defendant is given a chance to avoid taking personal responsibility for having caused the injury in question4. Spencer Dalyan Vs. Samson Singer This case involved two friends Mr Singer (who is my client, the defendant) and Mr Spencer (the plaintiff). Mr Spencer used to go visit Singer, his friend who was a contractor in Los Angeles. Spencer liked seeing new buildings under construction and would go visit the construction sites even when his friend Singer was absent. At times, Singer would even call Spencer to go and check whether his casual labourers had done the work assigned to them in c ase Singer was not able to make it to the site. One Friday evening, Spencer went visiting the construction site near some posh neighbourhood he was interested in settling there some day. During this visit, he happened not to inform Singer since it was sort of a routine when he was free and did not see the need to call his friend to inform him of this. Spencer climbed up to the second floor of this new unfinished building to have a clear view of the ocean. Unfortunately, while standing on the edge of the balcony, he happened to step on a wet blast that had been placed some few minutes ago before the workers had closed the work. This happened because he was so curious of the view and forgot to look at where he was stepping. Spencer slid and fell down the building but was lucky to have sustained fractures on his jaw and hand with some bruises on the lower part of the limbs. Court case for contributory negligence Various contributory negligence issues were presented by both parties: Pla intiff Spencer sued his friend Singer for damages since there was no sign indicated that the place should not be accessed until it dries and no wet floor warnings had been put and therefore Singer should foot the bills and pay for contributory negligence by paying damages to injuries sustained by him. The plaintiff Mr Spencer argued that Singer should have put signs to show that the concrete was wet and warn anyone to be careful not to access the floor. Alternatively, he argued that the entrance to the floor with wet concrete should have been sealed. He therefore demanded that Singer takes full responsibility for contributory negligence which led to the injuries. Defendant (my argument) When presenting the case to court against the suit, I argued that the plaintiff was fully responsible for his injuries since they occurred out of personal negligence. I raised various issues to defend my case. First, the claimant was not an employee to my client Mr Singer and therefore not authorized to visit the construction site. This meant that the building was only accessible to the workers of Singer and no other person unless it was completed and opened to the public. Second, the plaintiff neglected the fact that this was a building under construction and therefore wet concrete was inevitable and should have taken time to look at where he stepped first before he made the move. He was hence not concerned with his safety and this negligence led to his slide. Thirdly, the claimant did not even inform the defendant that he was visiting the site in his
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Returning home from Vietnam and programs that are in place today Research Paper
Returning home from Vietnam and programs that are in place today - Research Paper Example While still in the battlefront in Vietnam, American soldiers developed indiscipline, engaged in drug abuse and racial conflict. These unruly behaviors continued even after the war. The soldiers could not integrate smoothly with the society back at home. In addition, when the soldiers returned home from the Vietnam War there was not any programs in place for them to become acclimated back into society. The United States Government then took the initiative to research and developed several programs to aid in the successful transformation from military to civilian lifestyle for the soldier. This paper will explore the timeline between the Vietnam War and programs that are now available to returning soldiers today. The article explores the Posttraumatic stress syndrome experienced by returning soldiers upon return from wars. Finally, the paper looks into the measures that have been instituted to address posttraumatic stress disorders among soldiers. According to DSM (209) post traumatic stress disorder occurs when a person witnesses, experiences, or is confronted with occurrences that threatened a serious injury, death or that involved actual death. The response of the victim involves extreme shock, helplessness and intense fear. It is a psychiatric disorder and not a mental health problem. Soldiers experience horrific scene while at the war front. The scenes of dead and dying people, the fear of being killed, killing people and witnessing the death of colleagues and friends leads to development of this problem among soldiers (Shay, 223). Soldiers who have suffered from this problem report being tense and easily irritable around people, being startled by noises especially loud noises, getting angry easily and experiencing nightmares. As a result, soldiers who have suffered from post-traumatic stress usually have problems in marriage and relationships. They have problems in forming and keeping relationships. Furthermore, posttraumatic stress can lead to depression.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Methodology for albinism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Methodology for albinism - Essay Example The condition is defined as "a group of congenital heterogeneous disorders in which there is either complete or partial absence of pigment in the skin, hair and eyes because of the absence of or a defect in an enzyme involved in the production of melanin" (Park et al, 2011). The pattern of inheritance of albinism is variable. It can be X-linked, autosomal dominant or autosomal recessive. It is mainly autosomal recessive in oculocutaneous albinism (Park et al, 2012). Clinical presentation is at birth and depends on the type of oculocutaneous albinism. There are basically ten types of oculocutaneous albinism of which four are common and merit importance. They are oculocutaneous albinism: type 1A, type 1B, type 2, type 3 and Hermansky–Pudlak syndrome (Park et al, 2012). The methodology of oculocutaneous albinism is clearly understood. In this essay, the methodology of oculocutaneous albinism will be discussed. Methodology Albinism is a genetic disorder that is hereditary. Genetic disorders are those conditions in which alteration of a specific gene leads to abnormal enzyme or protein production, leading to clinical manifestations. The main pathogenesis in albinism is abnormal synthesis or distribution of melanin. Melanin is a pigment that is responsible for the coloration of eyes, skin and hair. It is a protein and is synthesized in melanocytes from tyrosine, an aminoacid. Melanocytes are present in the skin, hair bulbs and eyes. The synthesis takes place in specialized organelles known as melanosomes. The most important enzyme in the production of melanin is tyrosinase. This enzyme converts tyrosine to dopa. The gene for tyrosinase is located in the chromosome 11. Mutations in the locus concerned with tyrosinase enzyme can lead to defective or absent tyrosinase. This can result in complete or partial absence of pigmentation of the skin, hair and eye. This type of oculocutaneous albinism is type-1. When the defect lies in P-polypeptide, which is a transport er for melanosomal tyrosine, type-2 oculocutaneous albinism arises. Tyrosinase is present in this type. Its functioning is also normal. But, the transporter is defective leading to the disease. The P gene is in chromosome 15. Patients with type-2 oculocutaneous albinism have some pigmentation, but it is lighter. Epithelial pigmentation of the retinal pigment around the macula is necessary for normal foveal development. Dopa, derived from tyrosine is essential normal retinal development as it is a mitotic agent. Lack of dopa leads to foveal hypoplasia and this can lead to decreased visual activity. Eventually the optic nerve fibers decussate abnormally and this leads to strabismus and monocular vision. Transillumination defects due to depigmented iris result in photophobia (Wei et al, 2011). In type-1 A, the clinical presentation is obvious at birth and the baby is born with blue-grey irides, light pink colored skin, depigmented white hair and predominant red reflex (Wei et al, 2011) . As the infant grows more symptoms related to eyes become obvious. These include nystagmus, decreased vision, strabismus, monocular vision and poor stereopsis. The skin can never develop pigmented lesions even after prolonged exposure to sunligh
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Patents And Trademarks Essay Example for Free
Patents And Trademarks Essay 1. What are the types of patents? There are basically three (3) types of patents that an individual can apply for. The first type is called the Utility Patent. This type of patent is given to any person who is able to invent or discover any novel and useful process, machine, and manufactured article or matter composition. It also includes any new and useful improvement of such. The second type of patent is the design patent. This patent is given to anyone who is able to create an original and novel ornamental design for any manufactured article.  The third type of patent is the plant patent, which is given to anyone who invents or discovers any distinct new variety of plant. 2. How long does the patent review process take? The patent review process is handled by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. It is tasked with the review and examination of patent applications. It usually takes a period of 18 months from the time of filing before the patent is approved. There is also an accelerated patent application examination process that allows the USPTO to advance an application due to special reasons and circumstances. 3. What is the so-called Madrid Protocol concerning the international registration of marks? The Madrid Agreement and Protocol is a procedure by which any state that is a party to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property may invoke the international protection that is given to the patent. Trademark and patent owners may now avail of international protection over their intellectual property rights without the need for filing a separate application in a foreign country. Being a signatory to any of the agreements entitles the citizens of the signatory country to seek the intellectual property protection of any of the party states to the agreement.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Mental Representation Is Based On Imagery Psychology Essay
Mental Representation Is Based On Imagery Psychology Essay There is few ways of representing thoughts in our mind, in this essay, we will be discussing about how mental representation is based on imagery, and also talks about whether speech recording is necessary for reading or not. Eysenck and Keane (2000, pp. 243) argued that, A representation is any notation or sign or set of symbols that represents something to us. In general, mental imagery is the mental invention or recreation of an experience that in at least some respects resembles the experience of actually perceiving an object or an event, either in conjunction with, or in the absence of, direct sensory stimulation. Internal, mental representations consist of symbolic representations and distributed representations (Quinlan Dyson, 2008). Symbolic representations can be regarded as some well-defined symbols. Every symbol represents a particular and distinct entity, including images. Indeed, symbolic representations are comprised of analogical and propositional representations (Quinlan Dyson, 2008). Analogical representations are a variety of images, which can be visual, olfactory, auditory and so on. Although information represented by these images can be acquired from a variety of perceptual sources, the analogical representations are concrete and connected to a particular, specific sense modality instead. In contrast, the propositional representations are more discrete and abstract. Information represented by them can be acquired from any modality. This kind of propositional symbols is usually specific entities and the relationship between them is distinct as well. Propositional representations are discrete and abstract entities that stand for the ideation of the mind in any modality. Therefore, the representations can be treated as a basic language to represent various mental information. Propositional representations consist of three aspects, objects, relations and schemata (Eysenck Keane, 2000). In object concepts, each entity can be defined and characterised by its attributes and features. The definition of an object plays a crucial role in categorising things and organising memories, knowledge, concepts and mentality. Relations focus on how one object is linked to another and on the interaction between them in the propositional representations. For instance, if the relation is an action verb like hit, people should be able to determine what an agent, a recipient, and an instrument respectively are. Semantic primitives underlie a specific relation. Many psychologists took researches on examining whether semantic decomposition occurs (Eysenck Keane, 2000). In the expression that the sun melted down the ice cream, the specific objects are the sun and the ice cream, and the relationship between the two entities is represented by the predicate melt down. In this case , the mental representation is that the two entities, the sun and the ice cream, are linked together by the conceptual relation melt down. The concepts and knowledge in peoples mind which reflect the world are complexly structured. There are three relative structures, schemata, frames, and scripts. Schemata, involving a lot of concepts are commonly used by people to perceive the world. Scripts were proposed by Schank and Abelson (1977) to explain the knowledge in peoples mind of what happens every day. Also, frame was proposed by Marvin (1975; as cited in Eysenck Keane, 2000) and was widely used in visual perception. Therefore, propositional representation is a pretty crucial form of mental representation. Also, imagery is another form of mental representation, which is viewed as analogical representation. Analogical representations, especially visual images, are another essential form of mental representations. The long-time study of visual imagery can be traced back to more than two thousand years ago when Aristotle considered imagery as the main medium of thought (Eysenck Keane, 2000, pp. 258). Nowadays, the studies on imagery still continue. The essay will concentrate on three important sets of studies that illustrate the properties of imagery. In the experiment conducted by Cooper and Shepard (1973), the subjects were asked to determine whether the presented figure was the normal version or mirror-image version, compared with the standard one. The result of this experiment was that the more the test figure was rotated from the standard one, the more time the subjects would spend in making their final judgments. According to this experiment, the objects are mentally rotated in the same way that they are operated in the real and physical world. So, mental visual images have all the same attributes and features with those of actual objects in the real and physical world. However, Rock (1973) argued that the more complex the test mental images were, the more difficulty it was for subjects to make correct judgments. The second set of studies that I am going to disccuss about is on image scanning, this which represents another aspect of the nature of mental imagery. Kosslyn, Ball, and Reiser (1978) conducted a mental scanning experiment that subjects were asked to image a black dot moving from on point on the map to another. The result showed that the scanning time was linearly related to the distance between the two points (Eysenck Keane, 2000). So, images have similar spatial properties with those of objects in the real and physical world. Another set of studies about imagery is called reinterpreting images of ambiguous figures. Chambers and Reisberg (1985) showed ambiguous figures to subjects, to ask the subjects to interpret every figure in different ways. However, only if subjects had drawn the image of the figure, could they make a reinterpretation of it. The result indicates that the imagery is influenced by some propositional code, and people always ignore what is needed for reinterpretation. Therefore, imagery is also a necessary part of mental representation. Imagery actually represents the perception of the outside world in our mind and the reflection our internal mentality. Thus, imagery is an important element of mental representation, but cannot completely cover all the aspects of that. Also, mental representation is not simply based on imagery. According to Kosslyns theory of imagery, the upshot of the long-time conflict between propositions and images is that images are a distinct form of mental representations, and that images have obvious significance in functions compared with propositional representations. Propositional and analogical representations constitute the symbolic representations, as a key aspect of internal, mental representations. However, there is another form of mental representation which is called distributed representations. A distributed representation involves a simple network called a pattern associator (Eysenck Keane, 2000), with no symbols. The pattern associator represents the association between two different sets of units of an object in a network. Hinton et al (1986) proposed that the relationship between distributed representations and symbolic representations is not conflicting, but complementary. Thus, the high-level symbolic representations can be represented by lower-level distributed representations. Also, the lower-lever distributed representations are considered as fundamental part of the high-level representations. Vividly speaking, the symbolic representation is the macro-structure of mental representation, whereas the distributed representation is the micro-structure of cognitive representation. In conclusion, imagery is only an essential form of mental representation. There are also two forms called propositions and distributed representation. Instead of contradicting one another, the complementary among them is able to help people to perceive and represent the world.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Case Study Formal And Informal Assessments Education Essay
Case Study Formal And Informal Assessments Education Essay Formal and informal assessments are two specific procedures that teachers use to evaluate and grade their students. Both formal and informal formative assessments involve gathering, interpreting, and acting on information (Ruiz-Primo Furtak,2004, p. 4). Formal assessments are standardized exams used by a state to reflect on particular grade level to measure a students academic abilities. These exams are administered in the same way every time with a time restriction and instructions to how the exam should be graded. In contrast, informal assessments are exams or activities designed to specially review or test students knowledge on a certain academic subject taught by their teacher. I will be discussing the advantage and disadvantage for two different forms of formal assessment and four types of informal assessments methods. The two formal assessments are norm-referenced and criterion-referenced. Norm-referenced are standardized tests and are linked to inter individual differences (Gargiulo, 2008, p.65). This test compares the students skill to other students in the similar age group. Statistical method is used to determine how the student did. For example first grade students were tested and the outcome is used in a statistical method. You would be able to see how each student ranked. For example, Jon scored at the 50th percentile among his class. There are advantages and disadvantages in using norm referenced testing. One advantage to this method is it can determine whether a student may need special services. For example, if the student scores less than standard norm for reading, they will receive special services to aid them in this subject. Another advantage to this method is it allows parents to see how their childs academic results are compared to their peers. For example, Julie performs at 86 percentile in her class. This means that Julie performed better than 86% from her classmates. As there are advantages, there are disadvantages. One disadvantage to this method is it consists of broad academic information and may not consist of current classroom content. Another disadvantage is it does not fully capture a students academic abilities on problem solving, decision making, social skills, nor their ability elaborate on certain topic. In contrast, Criterion-referenced tests are associated with intra individual differences and can provide data that is useful for instructional planning (Gargiulo, 2008, p.66). For example, a math problem is given to a student to see if the student is able to add two digit numbers. The outcome is strictly based on whether the student did or did not answer the problem correctly. The first advantage to this test is it can compare a students individual performance from their previous one. For example, Aprils current test indicated her reading skills have improved from last quarter. Aprils results are not compared to how well she did among her classmates instead it compares to her individual progress. Another advantage to this test it can assist a teacher to figure out each students academic strengths and weakness. A teacher can guide and assign additional help in the areas where students need improvement. The downfall to this method is it cannot compare student academic performance to ot her schools or districts. For example, a teacher will not be able to compare her students success to other classes nor to other schools. Another disadvantage is creating a valid exam for students. Designing an exam needs to meet specific standards plus its time consuming for teachers to work around their daily responsibilities. The following are the four types of informal assessments that can be used in a classroom which are an essay exam, a classroom game, walk around method, and a multiple choice exam. The first informal assessment is an essay exam. Essay exams are questions based on a certain lesson or topic where a student needs to provide a written answer. Depending on the exam instructions students may only need to write a couple of paragraphs or several pages in length. The following are two advantages in using an essay exam to test students. First, students have the opportunity to express their thoughts and demonstrate their level of comprehension on a certain question. The second advantage, students begin to construct and analyze how to answer each question. For example, the instruction on the essay says to please explain the difference between a mammal and an amphibian. The student first needs to analyze the differences between the two species and then construct examples to elaborate on the question. An issue does represent itself; this type of method is time consuming for both the student and teacher. The students need plenty of time to answer and write an essay and the te acher needs time to evaluate and grade each paper. The second disadvantage, teachers must be aware of their biases when writing a question where students need to agree or disagree on a certain topic. This disadvantage may get in the way of grading papers accurately. A teacher needs to be aware of their bias and base their grading on the students response not if they agree or disagree with their student. Another informal way to evaluate a students progress is a classroom game. A Classroom game creates an opportunity for students to apply their knowledge and encourages them to learn. For example, the class is divided into four groups to play a game of Jeopardy. The game of Jeopardy consists of questions on a certain academic subject. An advantage to this method is it promotes cooperative learning. Students are learning how to interact, collaborate, and work together with their peers to answer questions. Working together provides positive reinforcements for students to develop social skills and trust among their team members. Another advantage it motivates students to apply their own knowledge and retain new information as they play the game. A game will keep students alert and encourages participation which will lead to learning. Since students are divided into groups not every student is participating or collaborating on every question and this is downfall to this method. Even though each student has an opportunity to answer a question, the group is judged as a whole not the individual knowledge to every question but the ones they answer. Another disadvantage to this method does not provide enough feedback to a teacher to determine which students needs additional assistance in comprehending the current subject. The third informal assessment is the walk-around. This assessment requires the teacher to interact with each student as they work together as a group or individually. The teacher is actively observing and assisting students to stay on task. The advantage to this method it allows the teacher to interact with students individually or as a group to answer any concerns or assist them in understanding their assignment. The second advantage is the one on one conference. The teacher uses the one on one conference to talk to the students for five or ten minutes. This conference offers attention, and additional help in instructions for students(Cole,1999,p.4). This type of interaction builds trust and improves the communication between teacher and student. A downside to walk around assessment is giving each student or groups the same amount of time to answer questions or concerns. Since every student or groups have different questions, some may need additional assistance than others. This may cause some behavior issues or delay some students in completing their assignment. Another issue is making sure every student understands the material or contributing their work to their group. The teacher needs to give every student an opportunity to talk and demonstrate they understand the assignment. Lastly, the multiple-choice test is another assessment used in a classroom. Multiple choice tests consist of questions and a list of possible answers for each question. An upside to this method students begin to access their knowledge and apply it to every question by eliminating misleading choices. This method is also an advantage for teachers as well. The grading is less time consuming than other methods and easier to narrow down where the students are having difficulties. A disadvantage for students is it may cause them some confusion or frustration when the exams are poorly written. Poor written exams consist of tricky options to choose from, for instance having two possible answers. The second disadvantage for students is not being able to understand a question. This may lead the students to guess on answers they are not able to comprehend due to reading difficulties or a poor written exam. This may lead to inappropriate score on the students progress or knowledge. In conclusion, both formal and informal assessments consist of advantages and disadvantages that a teacher should consider and understand before administrating these assessments. Assessments are necessary to pinpoint students academic strengths and weaknesses. This allows a teacher to provide additional assistance to students that are struggling. Without assessments teachers will not be able to properly evaluate and assist students.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Essay example --
Learning to read and becoming a fluent, confident reader can be a very daunting task for young children. There are many reading intervention strategies that can be used with children of any age. However, one strategy that seems affective is the use of reading poetry. â€Å"Poetry is a good choice for teaching fluency because of its rich and playful language†(Faver, 2008, pg. 351). How can repeated reading of poetry increase fluency, word-recognition, and confidence in young readers? Two articles, â€Å"Repeated Reading of Poetry Can Enhance Reading Fluency†by Sherri Faver and, â€Å"Building Fluency, Word-Recognition Ability, and Confidence in Struggling Readers: The Poetry Academy†by Lori G. Wilfong, through different strategies, prove how poetry can help struggling readers. The research strategies used in these articles were different. However, many of their methods were similar, and their results were the same. The reading methods used in both articles included repeated reading, listening-while-reading, assisted reading, and modeling. Before going into detail of these studies, fluent and non-fluent readers must be defined. According to Rasinski (2004), a fluent reader is defines as â€Å"one who accurately decodes words while automatically recognizing them and using the appropriate oral expression while reading†(Faver, 2008, pg. 350). A good and fluent reader should be able to read, or decode, words and comprehend what they have read. On the other hand, a non-fluent reader reads slowly and pays more attention to the decoding of words, and therefore their comprehension is greatly affected (Faver, 2008). The article â€Å"Repeated Reading of Poetry Can Enhance Reading Fluency†involves Sherri Faver and her second-grade classroom. Faver believes ... ...ntion strategy can increase fluency, word-recognition, and comprehension in young readers. â€Å"The use of poetry in the classroom can help build student confidence and improve their reading skills and attitudes†(Wilfong, 2008, p. 11). In the Poetry Academy, teachers saw an increase in fluency, improvements in student attitude towards reading, and increased family involvement. Wilfong encouraged teachers and parents to read one-on-one to students and children (Wilfong 2008, p. 11). Faver concluded that as a result of repeated reading and performing poetry, she saw growth in reading fluency, comprehension, and self-confidence. Faver also advised teachers to try and implement poetry into their class, saying, â€Å"it is not time consuming and does not require expensive materials, all it requires is time, patience, and the willingness to try new things†(Faver, 2008, p. 352).
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Back to Africa Effect :: essays research papers fc
What role did Marcus Garvey play in the Civil Rights movement? When many people think about leaders during Black History Month (February) they think about people like Martin Luther King Jr., George Washington Carver, Harriet Tubman, and Booker T. Washington.. Now that is acceptable, but rarely does anyone remember the man who sparked the Civil Rights movement in America, my cousin, Marcus Garvey. I want to acknowledge my cousin on his achievements and also thank him for what he has done for the African-American race. Marcus Garvey may not have made the same kind of contributions that other Civil Rights leaders have made, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t fight for his people Marcus Garvey made one of the greatest contributions of the Civil Rights movement by trying to help out the Negro community all over the world, in a movement known as â€Å"Back to Africa.†Marcus Garvey had two very different parents.’ Marcus’s mother was a gentle, slim, beautiful woman. â€Å"She was known for being kind and helpful woman to her neighbors and for working hard to bring up her family†(Lawler 15).Marcus’s father was different of another sort; he was hard, stern, and stubborn. â€Å"A skilled stonemason, he cut and shaped white rock for the walls of nearby plantation houses belonging to Jamaica’s wealthy estate owners. But he only worked when he felt like it.†(Lawler 16).Now although these were good qualities to have, in addition to â€Å"brilliant intellect and dashing courage,†his father’s bold, determined, strong, stubborn, and fearless attitude led to his downfall. Marcus’s father liked to read and received a newspaper every week for 20 years and he thought it was a gift from the editor, yet when the publisher died, the executors of the estate sent Garvey Sr. a bill that he steadfastly ignored and as a result he was then taken to court and in a series of events his including property being sold to cover the debts and quarrels with neighbors over land boundaries the Garvey estate was soon down to the little land that their house stood on. Now Marcus Garvey’s father was stubborn but that runs deep in his blood lines as a Maroon. The Maroons were a group of escaped Jamaican slaves who fought British colonial rule during the 17th & 18th century. Marcus Mosiah Garvey, named after his father, was born on April 17, 1881, to Sarah and Marcus Garvey.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Human Nature: Good or Bad?
The great philosopher Socrates said â€Å"the unexamined life is not worth living. †We are forced to examine our lives at some point by the pressing questions of our own nature. The answers to questions of our goodness or badness are answered every day by our actions and the actions of those around us. One doesn’t have to look far to see both the best and the worst of who we are as a species. Axe body spray and perfumes for men is known to be one of the most sexist and misogynistic companies around.Their commercials depict women as sexual objects, to be rounded up by perfume and used for the wearers desire. Antithetical to that, Dove is known for it’s Real Beauty campaign. Empowering women to be proud of who they are and what they look like, Dove makes great efforts in the self-respect movement. Something that is little known to the general population is that these two brands are owned by the same big corporation: Unilever. This is an example of how people take advantage of other peoples values and circumstances.All they want is money. Large corporations don’t care if you get the girl or if you feel beautiful, they are just trying to make as much money as possible. It is evident that they take advantage of young peoples desires to feel wanted, and many peoples desires to feel comfortable in their own skin for their own benefits, no matter the contradiction in values. Cancer is something everyone will experience in their lives. At some point in any given life, someone will encounter cancer in themselves or a loved one.In New Zealand, an organisation called Project Promise was raising funds to build a cancer research hospital. They were $383,000 short of what they needed, and time was running out. When the members of the organisations were beginning to lose hope, someone donated one million dollars. They set out to find who it was, but the donor wanted to remain anonymous. This was selflessness as best we know it. The concept of altru ism is one under debate on it’s own; but the idea of altruism in a broad sense is displayed here.Whoever donated this money was not out for a material return or accolades from their peers. Perhaps this amount was much to give, perhaps not; either way, it was needed and someone gave it. The anonymity let the donor do something good without receiving material or social benefits, showing that selflessness is possible. Hurricane Sandy happened last year and caused devastation for the residents along the Jersey shore. So many people were left homeless and there weren’t many police officers or law enforcement agents around to keep control of the situation.Many people were considered heroes in this situation; giving up their time and resources to help those who lost everything. There are still people helping those who became homeless, and some still who are giving more of their time and efforts to set up programs for the mentally ill to cater to their specific needs. However, there have also been looters. People who took whatever they could find from wherever they could find it. There are construction companies who are taking advantage of desperate families and committing fraud.They are scamming people who already have nothing to take even that away. With no restraints, people do anything, whether good or bad. Religious institutions are more and more in the news with both good and bad happenings within. Religious institutions have been called out for the wrongdoings they have condoned, and praised for the good things they have condoned. The new Pope has made a big step in telling catholics around the world to stop hate and move on from certain issues that have lead to exclusion of certain groups from the church.By telling the world of catholics that they â€Å"cannot insist only on issues related to abortion, gay marriage and the use of contraceptive methods†, he opened a window for people to get over these things and accept people for who they a re. Stephen Weinberg said that â€Å"with or without [religion] you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion. †Religion gives people reasons to do atrocious things. If one believes their god tells you to do something under threat of eternal torture, one will do anything.Honour killings, terrorism, hate speech, telling people in AIDS-ridden countries not to use condoms, and systematically moving rapist priests to different churches instead of prosecuting them are all things done in the name of god. Most people would agree that these things are not good things. Government does nothing to control human nature but create the laws to which citizens must abide by. By looking around the world at various governments, it is evident that people will act how they naturally are independent of government.Government only tries to regulate a forced goodness in people. In Syria, China, Egypt, Irela nd, Germany, and Canada- all around the world and in all forms of government- people do great and terrible things. However, contrary to that is the example of the country of North Korea. In North Korea it is completely illegal to have differing opinions to the one that the government has. If it is found that someone has different ideas of how things should be, their family, including them, is thrown into concentration camps.In this case, the government is being completely controlling of everything everyone does, thinks, and feels in reaction to anything. There are people in this world who do the right things, people who do the wrong things, and some are indifferent. It is illogical and unfair to generalise seven billion people and counting into one fixed human nature. People make choices every day, and those choices are based on both what one knows and what one doesn’t know; the choices made by an individual may vary depending on what their circumstances are. Other peoples ch oices can change what may have happened.Ilyas Kassam said that â€Å"an over examination of life can deter you from life itself. †There are times when it is helpful and important to examine one's life and think about what it means to be human. The conclusion I have drawn about our nature is that we don’t have a nature. To find out whether someone is a kind or evil person it is necessary to learn about them, to know their circumstances, and to try and understand why they make the choices they do. There will always be evil people, but the one thing to keep hope for is the fact that there will always be good people too.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Numerical Modeling
Numerical modeling of communicable disease is a device to understand the instrument of how disease blowouts and how it can be measured. we have studied numerically the dynamics of typhoid fever disease in this paper. We frame an unconditionally stable Non-Standard Finite Difference (NSFD) scheme for a mathematical model of Typhoid Fever Disease. The introduce numerical scheme is bounded, dynamically include and describe the positivity of the solution, which is one of the important requirements when modeling a prevalent disease. The comparison among the developed Non-Standard Finite Difference scheme, Euler method and Runge-Kutta method of order four (RK-4) shows the effectiveness of the proposed Non-Standard Finite Difference scheme. NSFD scheme shows convergence to the true equilibrium points of the model for any time steps used but Euler and RK-4 fail for large time steps. Key Words: Typhoid Disease, Dynamical System, Numerical Modeling, Convergence.Introduction Typhoid fever affects millions of people worldwide each year, where over 20 million cases are reported and kills approximately 200,000 annually. For instance, in Africa it is estimated that annually 400,000 cases happen and an incidence of 50 per 100,000 [5]. The mathematical modeling for transmission dynamics of typhoid fever disease is a capable approach to appreciate the behavior of disease in a population and on this basis, some capable measures can be modeled to prevent infection. Dynamical models for the transmission of disease objects in a human population, based on the Kermack and McKendrick SIR classical epidemic model [1–4], were proposed. These models deliver evaluations for the temporal advancement of infected nodes in a population [5–13]. In this paper we construct an unreservedly convergent numerical model for the transmission dynamics for typhoid fever disease which preserves all the essential properties of the continuous model. We considered the mathematical model of disease transmission in a population that has been discussed by Pitzer in [6]. Mathematical ModelA: Variables and ParametersS(t): Susceptible entities class at time t.P(t): Protected individual class at time t.I(t): Infected individuals class at time t.T(t): Treated class time t.?: The rate at which individuals recruited.?: Natural death rate. ?: Loss of protection rate.?: Rate of infection.?: Rate of treatment.?: Disease induced mortality rate.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Cell phones in high schools Essay
Now days using cell phones in high school is not an easy issue because cell phones and other smart electronic machines established with the fast moving of technology, so everybody has a cell phone from children to older people, its became an important thing in our life and we use it in a lot things even if it effect on our society because it has a lot of advantages it’s also has a disadvantages if we use it in a wrong way in school or other places. In this research I well talk about several points about using cell phones in high schools, the policy that school’s administration has taken about this issue and the advantages and the disadvantages of using cell phones in schools by students or teachers. Using cell phone in high school has a lot of advantages because it can be an educational tool in the class if the teachers know how to use it for teaching and important and improve their lessons. Students can also use it for research about their lessons and to answer difficult questions and even they can connect with each other after school for their projects and other studies. A lot of parents support the idea of using cell phones but outside the classes for example in the field to ensure the safety of their children if there is a sort of emergency. On the other hand there are also some dis advantages about using cell phones in high school and they are very disruptive to students and teachers. Also the phone could make egregious problems if they use the privet areas and publishing them. A lot of schools don’t have a policy of using cell phones by teachers inside the school, but they not allowed them to use it during lessons. Cell phones may be helpful for teachers if they are in activity outside the school to use it for emergency issues, otherwise it will cause a distraction during lessons. Another point we can consider it that it’s important that the bus driver has a cell phone because he will be away from the school when he with the children. To conclude using cell phones in high schools need more studies to apply it in the future. But could schools change their policy to use cell phones as an educational tool by students and teachers during classes? In the future â€Å"yes†it could be because technology well becomes our life in schools or anywhere else but we must use it in the good way and the school must control that carefully by a lot of strict policies.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Comparison Between Macbeth and Banquo’s Response
Macbeth and Banquo’s reaction to the prophecy told to them by the witch’s gave way for two opposing opinions on both the validity and manifesting of the prophecy. Although their opinions throughout the unveiling of the prophecy were opposing throughout, at all times they both rendered the prophecy in contrastive ways, whether they contemplated on its benefit or hindrance towards their gleaming future. â€Å"All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter! †Great fear was shown on Macbeth’s face suggesting he was very hesitant toward the idea of him becoming King.However Banquo was much more optimistic about the words of the witch’s, questioning Macbeth, â€Å"why do you start and seem to fear things that do sound so fair? †Macbeth is still in shock which gives time for Banquo to question the witch’s about his future. He became quite intrigued by what the witch’s had told Macbeth so he could not withhold the opportunity to be a cquainted with his children’s faith and discover â€Å"which grain will grow and which will not†. Banquo seemed to be quite optimistic in his willingness to indulge in the witch’s prophecies. Stay you imperfect speakers, tell me more! †This portrays to us that Macbeth has now become fond of the prophecy and is thirsts to know more about his future. As Macbeth continues to cry out for the witch’s return after their abrupt disappearing, he cries out â€Å"Would they had stayed! †It now becomes apparent that Macbeth is engulfed in what the witches have told both him and Banquo. Suddenly Banquo begins to revisit the whole situation and begins to speculate if the entire ordeal actually occurred. â€Å" Or have we eaten on the insane root that takes the reason prisoner? he continues to question the possibility that they could be hallucinating. This is the beginning of Banquo’s now hesitance towards indulging in the witch’s propheci es, and Macbeth’s now apparent obsession with the witch’s prophecy. Macbeth attempts to persuade Banquo by regurgitating the witch’s prophecy and reminding Banquo that his children â€Å"shall be kings†. And what better could Banquo have replied to Macbeth with to continue to hold Macbeth prisoner to the prophecy other than â€Å"You shall be king†.It is now seen that the tides have shifted, and Macbeth is now very much engulfed in the prophecy, as Macbeth discovers that a portion of the prophecy has been fulfilled with the title ‘Thane of Cawdor’ being placed unto him. As Macbeth continues to be animated about the possibility of the entire prophecy being fulfilled, Banquo becomes hesitant towards the prophecy. It is this speech by Banquo that defines his reasons for being so cautious in his reaction to the prophecy. â€Å"oftentimes to win us to our harm the instruments of darkness tell us truths, win us with honest trifles, to betra y’s in deepest consequence. This speech portrays Banquo’s new found reluctance towards the witch’s forecast of the future. He now sees what Macbeth is blind too, the possibility of knowledge becoming more harmful to the men rather than helpful in Macbeth’s want for more, particularly pertaining to him becoming King. As Macbeth begins to weigh the prophecy against logic and the now present, he accepts the fact that if â€Å"two truths are told, as happy prologues to the swelling act of the imperial theme. Macbeth is now beginning to assume that if portions of the prophecy are being fulfilled as the witch’s had said, it is only a matter of time before he shall become king. As Macbeth continues to be engulfed by what will be his future downfall, he assumes that all of his new found fortune â€Å"Cannot be ill, cannot be good†. Macbeth begins to wonder if the prophecy is so good, then why is it now that he is considering killing Duncan in order to receive the throne.And sadly he is willing to do whatever he believes it takes to become, completely being unaware to the fact that he did not have to intervene in order for him to become Thane of Cawdor as the witch’s had prophesised. â€Å"Come what come may†Macbeth says, proposing that he is willing to kill Duncan if necessary. It was clear that before scrutinizing the prophecy Banquo was much aroused by the witches’ foretelling of the future, but after close examination he became tentative towards him possibly becoming a victim of the new found knowledge.Sadly it is very apparent that Macbeth is now engulfed in his plans to becoming King using any means necessary. What makes it so unfortunate is that he doesn’t realize it, â€Å" Think upon what hath chanced, and at more time, the interim having weighed it, let us speak our free hearts to each other â€Å", he says this not realizing that his mind is already made up on the fact that he will sto p at nothing to gain the crown.Banquo’s hesitance towards the witches is well justified in the fact that witches seldom inform us completely on the future, leaving us to pursue and conclude the fantasy with our devilish wishes. Both Banquo and Macbeth share their reasons in an attempt to justify their reaction towards the witch’s speech, but it is apparent that Macbeth is engulfed by greed and his wishes to become King.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Aquaintance Rape of College Students Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Aquaintance Rape of College Students - Essay Example ed to formulate competent policies and measures to tackle the issue; the police, public safety officers, the school management and other enforcement agencies need to stay vigilant to prevent and wipe away this menace from the American campuses. This essay focuses on the various aspects of the problem of acquaintance rape in the American campuses with special reference to articles entitled â€Å"The Problem of Acquaintance Rape of College Students†by Rana Sampson and â€Å"Acquaintance rape on college and university campuses†by Felicia F Romeo. Deriving conclusions from the two articles, the essay also seeks to offer some practical guidelines and advices for the fresh students who attend the American campuses. As Sampson (2002) points out, most of the rapes in the colleges go unnoticed and unreported and this gives the false impression that the current prevention programs are adequate to tackle the issue. However, researches and available statistics underline the fact that the current policies and prevention programs on the issue are quite insufficient and inadequate. Sampson also deals with the other related sexual assault crimes in the campus such as stranger rape, drug induced rape, sexual assault other than rape, use of verbal coercion to obtain sexual intercourse, indecent exposure in college libraries, â€Å"peeping Toms†on college campuses, obscene phone calls made to college students, sexual harassment and stalking of college students, and purports that acquaintance rape in colleges can be prevented only when there are comprehensive measures and coherent college strategies to prevent these related issues too ( Sampson, 2002, p. 1). The available statistics on acquaintance rape in American colleges and universities is quite alarming and shocking and this in turn calls for better effective measures to solve the problem. Sampson (2002) cites a number of statistical information on the issue which highlight the depth and seriousness of the issue. The findings
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Operations Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Operations Management - Assignment Example Their competitive edge also transcends to other areas including quality employee training and management. This study intends to analyze the operations management and strategic planning that are fundamental to McDonald’s success. It also identifies various stages of operations management and strategic planning process. 1.1. Explain the importance of Operations management to the success of a business, using McDonalds as an example. Operation management is the one of the core functions of every business organization. It help to increase value of the products and efficient transformation of services. Operation management in McDonald's enables their overall success. The organizations, thus, attains and sustain efficiency in customer service, relies on JIT system. The do not begin to cook their orders until a consumer places the order. Due to sophisticated technology used in the making of a burger, McDonald’s is capable to serve its customer without much wastage of time ot her placing on order. Thus, by aligning their operations through efficient operational management strategies the company currently sustains a large market store in the F&B industry globally. Globalization and the consequent liberalization of polices have also enable them to expand their operation bases across the world, including Asian countries and Middle East. 1.2. Explain the need for an MsDonalds to produce goods/services to time, cost and quality/specification and with reference to legal requirements. Need for a McDonalds to produce goods/services to time, cost and quality/specification and with reference to legal requirements is that higher quality, lower cost and quality specification products help to provide the customers with fresh food items and also to attract more customers. Besides, the trendy outlook and hygienic setting also have helped in making them a favorite among all segments of the population across the world. JIT technique eliminates delivery delays while savin g the customer with fresh food strait from the order. This higher quality consumer service remains one of their major strengths. Through the efficient coordinating of order delivery and operation management, they are capable of reducing cost. Lower Costs or holding expenses for burger is a main reason for retention and expansion of customer base. Frozen ground beef that's good nowadays might not be so superior and good in a few months. 1.3. Explain the link between operations management and strategic planning with specific reference to McDonalds. Every organization has objectives and goals and operation management also encompasses short term plans to accomplish these goals and objectives. Operation Management Plans are crucial to accomplish strategic aims by tactical implementation. These tactical plans of the business establishment are for routine issues and are extremely frequent e.g. for the manufacture operation management is quantity of output produced in particular time and machinery and HR requirement. The manger of the McDonald’s gather information by talking to their consumers and offer best services. It is the best way to solve consumer problems and develop a high level of satisfaction of consumers. This encourages workers and managers of McDonald to be responsive and communicative with regulars. McDonald’s maintains balance among the consumer satisfaction and operations in restaurant. â€Å"From the statement of McDonald’s operations strategy, it is clear that both consistency and high product
Gender Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Gender Relations - Essay Example However, the pain of the sacrifice is plain on their faces. Women, on the other hand, sacrifice with a glow on their countenance. They have the creativity and the ability to withstand drought to the maximum extent and make food out of whatever sources available (Eldridge, Christopher, p2). Flood, drought and famine have struck all countries across the globe. The evidence of famine is scripted in the ancient texts and millions died in those days in the absence of effective communication and fast transportation available today (Dreze, Jean and Sen, Amartya; 1989). However, one must give thought to accounts of heroism and endurance that never-say-die men and women exercised to outlive those events. Small remnants of brave men and women survived to carry on with life and challenges they overcame to script their experiences with future generations. The threat of hunger may or may not be an isolated incident. There are those that experience hunger as a daily challenge. In the ancient days, a lot depended on the ruling class on the extent of hunger in their land. If rulers were benevolent, people experienced prosperity and thrived with only fleeting acknowledgement of hunger. However, if rulers were exacting and impersonal large number of people below the poverty line came in grips with the pangs of hunger. This situation was man-made. But one learnt to live with it. ... However, if rulers were exacting and impersonal large number of people below the poverty line came in grips with the pangs of hunger. This situation was man-made. But one learnt to live with it. It was only a matter of survival to live another day. There was no shortage of food as such. Life went on although the question of where the food was to come from faced the hungry segment of the population. Nonetheless, even hungry people got their needs met long enough to survive. To the hungry, it mattered little if the cause of hunger was man-made or an act of God. The challenge of survival presented a test that sometimes was overcome and other times meant defeat (Barraclough, Solon L; 1991). The scourge of famine continues to haunt large swathes of regions in Africa and Asia. These regions have witnessed famine owing to myriad reasons chiefly uncertain rains, disruptive floods or crop failures due to absence of rains. Apart from natural causes, the phenomena of famine exists owing to socio-economic failures, unstable political conditions, lumpen environment, and other factors that contribute to continuance of famine conditions that lack education and trigger contingencies (Bryceson, Deborah Fahy; 2006). The gender that does better It is difficult to pinpoint a particular gender did better than the other although natural indications point to women as better managers of hunger. By and large, women are endowed with better resilience and determination to scrape through periods of hunger irrespective of their cause. In Bangladesh which experienced famine in the 1970s, it was women who were organizationally entrusted to fight famine through community empowerment and other material means (Dreze, Jean and Sen,
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Six Sigma And Lean In Helthcare Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Six Sigma And Lean In Helthcare - Research Paper Example Six Sigma and Lean Systems (SS/L) are extremely popular tools for the improving quality. Therefore, they provide the managers of Healthcare with the opportunity to improve the quality of healthcare on the basis of using sound methodologies and data. Cost increase control in the healthcare, improving the quality, and the provision of better Healthcare are some of the main benefits of this approach. However, these two quality improvement tools are not clear to many whether they are capable of improving the quality of healthcare. Thus, this research paper clearly illustrates how effective these tools can be and what can be corrected to improve further. This will go an extra mile in helping the health care sector, to render high quality services and achieve considerable accolades, as far as, Healthcare services are concerned. In the recent past, medical care has become exceedingly expensive to an extent that many are not in apposition to access healthcare particularly in the underdeveloped and some of the developing world. Considerable amount of cost increase can be attributed to the out dated technology, and an aging population, which is inevitable due to the advancement of technology and modern demographic developments, which are beyond control. On top of that, operational inefficiency also contributes to the Healthcare cost increase, and this has to do with the healthcare professionals. Inefficiency in this research study is of much essence as it can be measured and necessary changes implemented to improve on the quality. This will lead to affordable Healthcare services and of better quality to a considerable percentage of the entire global population. Some inefficiency encountered in the process of operation can be connected to the delivery of services in the medical sector. Other inefficiencies arise as a result of logistical, administrative and healthcare delivery system operations, of which both can be extremely beneficial to the systematic process of innovation. The paper seeks to evaluate the importance of the Six Sigma and Lean approaches in the healthcare sector. Looking critically at the industrial sector, in the past century, it deployed massive machinery and innovation approaches to increase their level of operational approaches and hence achieve high levels of efficiency in operation systems (Jones, Roos, & Womack, 1990). On evaluating the history of economy, the efficiencies in the industry, were obtained from the collective effect of a substantial number of incremental improvements (Rosenberg, 1982). Six Sigma and Lean Thinking are two processes of an innovative approach that have gained much popularity in the industrial sector (Robinson, 1990). They both availed a systematic approach that facilitated process geared towards increasing the magnitude of innovations. A ccording to Ohno (1988), Lean Thinking emerged in the automobile industry of Japan after the World War II, though it can be traced to the earlier days of the Ford Motor Company (Ford and Crowther, 1926). Six Sigma was originally brought to be by Motorola, and culminated to the synthesis of a
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Evaluate How Normality Can Be Facilitated and Maintained During Essay
Evaluate How Normality Can Be Facilitated and Maintained During Childbirth - Essay Example It was a mystery how they gained the knowledge and skills in these areas. In modern times, they are not only responsible for attending women in labour and birth but also help her family especially the birth partner in dealing with the situation. In this paper we shall discuss how normality can be achieved during childbirth by the midwives. There are various factors that a midwife has to consider and take care of while preparing a woman to give birth. A midwife never works all alone; she is connected to many different individuals like her colleagues, supervisors, other health professionals and their families. It is very important for a midwife to satisfy the needs and aspirations of the women and her family she is dealing with. A midwife should treat each woman as a distinct individual and respects her values and beliefs regarding pregnancy. It should be remembered that the experiences during pregnancy, birth and postpartum period affects women, babies, fathers and their families in a huge way and have a long lasting impact on society too. The midwives should ensure that every woman had a joyful and healthy birth experience ( Levisley, 2011). Good communication skills A midwife should have the ability to communicate well and at the same time the power to listen patiently to a woman through her various stages of pregnancy. A small action or gesture by us can make a huge difference to the care and treatment of the patients, their infants and partners. A midwife should always keep in mind that although she deals with matters of births everyday but a new mother may not know about the process of pregnancy. Certain special behaviors like being compassionate, pleasant, providing continuous support, unbiased information, consistently reassuring the to-be mothers are expected from a midwife (Nasak, 2005). There are some actions which will go a long way in enhancing the admission, birth, postnatal and discharge stages of pregnancy –having patience, providing contin uous support and praise to the patient. The midwife should be able to provide the information regarding the various aspects of pregnancy and birth, for example the effects of different forms of pain relief, without being prejudiced. Some other ways which might help the mother is by providing them written information in booklets or notice boards. A midwife is responsible for making accurate medical notes which is passed onto the health visitor. In case of mothers with second babies, it has been observed that the midwives are less inclined to inform and support them but it is very important to remember that the mothers still needed their advice as each birth and child is different. It is the duty of a midwife to handle every patient equally regardless of her age, profession or previous experience (Nasak, 2005). Environment Every woman should be given the opportunity to choose a place where she feels secured, relaxed and cared for giving birth. Her personal preferences, emotional wellb eing and privacy should be respected and taken care of. A mother’s ability and confidence to give birth is enhanced or diminished by the ability of the midwife and the environment where she gives birth. The midwife should encourage the woman to opt for home birth because this is the place she will feel most relaxed. The choice of time and place where the pregnant woman would like to take antenatal and postnatal classes should be adjusted according to her convenience. Nowadays, places other than the hospital and clinics
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