Saturday, August 31, 2019
How to Analyze an Advertisement Essay
There’s more to advertising’s message than meets the casual eye. An effective ad, like other forms of communication, works best when it strikes a chord in the needs and desires of the receiving consumer  a connection that can be both intuitive and highly calculated. The following questions can help foster your awareness of this process. You may be surprised by the messages and meanings you uncover. 1. What is the general ambience of the advertisement? What mood does it create? 2. Study the advertisement’s form. Attempt a simple description of what elements it consists of in terms of elements and formal arrangement. 3. What about technical decisions? If the advertisement is a photograph, what kind of a shot is it? What significance do you think long shots, medium shots, close-up shots have? What about the lighting, use of colour, angle of the shot? 4. What typefaces are used and what impressions do they convey? 5. What techniques are used by the copywriter: humour, alliteration, definitions†of life, comparisons, sexual innuendo, and so on? 6. What is the relationship between pictorial elements and written material and what does this tell us? 7. Does the ad essentially provide information or does it try to generate some kind of emotional response? Or both? 8. What action is taking place in the advertisement and what significance does it have? (This might be described as the ad’s â€Å"plot.†) 9. What signs and symbolic codes do we find? Symbolic codes can involve figures e.g. facial expressions, clothing codes etc. What can be said about their facial expressions, poses, hairstyle, age, sex, hair colour, ethnicity, education, occupation, relationships (of one figure to the other)? What role do these symbolic codes play in the ad’s impact? 10. What sociological, political, economic or cultural attitudes are indirectly reflected in the advertisement i.e. does the ad work ideologically?( An advertisement may be about a pair of blue jeans but it might, indirectly, reflect such matters as sexism, alienation, stereotyped thinking, conformism, generational conflict, loneliness, elitism, and so on). 11. How important is the spectator/reader’s own context going to be on his/her understanding of the ad? Who is the presumed reader or public for this ad? Excerpted/adapted from Arthur A. Berger Signs in Contemporary Culture: An Introduction to Semiotics, Longman, White Plains, NY [online]. Available from [accessed 24/04/08] DECODING ADVERTISING IMAGES Ads/images have different levels of meaning: Denotation: what can be seen – the literal, commonsense or ‘natural’ meaning of the ad (first order meaning). Denotation is commonly implied by the use of photography. Connotation: the ‘hidden’ meaning (second order meaning); a range of possible meanings which may depend upon the reader’s knowledge, social background and other factors which influence personal judgement or interpretation. Meaning in an advertising image can be seen as: Syntagmic – the linking process between represented object (signifier) and significance (meaning) is unconscious; Referential – it is understood in terms of structural relationships to other signs. Meaning is made up of a system of differences and oppositions; Ideological – occurring within a wider framework of ideas or way of thinking about social relations; Conventional – socially mediated i.e. is according to accepted ‘rules’ and ‘codes’; Preferred (or dominant meaning) is the meaning that the advertiser (presumably) hopes the image will convey. Stuart Hall, though, notes two other modes of reading ads: negotiated readings and oppositional readings (which subvert the presumed intentional or seeming overt meaning of the advertising image). Connotation There are a number of issues which can be considered when analysing an specific image, factors which can help one to identify the intended connotation of the signs contained within the image, and of the advertisement as a whole. Technical Codes (including): Camera angle – is the implied angle of vision up/down, at an angle, straight on? Camera distance – how far is the implied camera from the subject? Focus – is the image in sharp detail or soft focus? Lighting – what is highlighted or left in the shadows? Information Value: the placement of elements within the whole image is indicative of a relative symbolic meaning. horizontal reading – Left = given, familiar right = new, not yet known vertical reading – upper = promise, emotive lower = Portfolio, actual, information Composition: Salience – the elements of an image attract attention to differing degree according to their position in the whole composition (foreground, background etc.) Framing – the presence or absence of framing devices signifies the connection or separation between the different objects/figures Cropping – is the cropping from a wider image implied? Juxtaposition – have two images been juxtaposed to create a particular effect? Captions: Remember to consider the text in an ad. If an image has no caption it can be considered an ‘open text’ and therefore open to interpretation. Captions generally function as modifiers to ‘anchor’ the primary significance of the image, and to reduce possible ambiguities of meaning in the image. Symbolic Codes: A symbol is a picture/object which stands for something else, where the meaning is widely understood e.g. a dove symbolises peace or the Holy Spirit in western society. Symbols do not necessarily have only one connotation and have to be selected with care by advertisers – it is the image as a whole, the relationship between signs (symbols), which will determine which connotation is intended (a meaning which might be ‘fixed’ by modifiers such as text captions). Body language/non-verbal codes: what is the significance of the figures’ poses or physical posture? what facial expression do the figures have? do the body types (well built, thin, fleshly etc.) connote wider meanings e.g. .stereotypes? Clothing codes: does the clothing connote specific occupations or nationalities? what connotations about class and status does the clothing have? Colour (symbolic value): Does the colour/colour range used suggest a mood e.g. sorrow, gaiety etc.? Does the colour use suggest an abstract meaning e.g. romance, purity etc.? The kinds of colours used – the use of bright, dissonant colours might indicate modernity for instance or a sepia range might signify tradition. Issues which might be activated by use of symbolic code include: Branding – the use of symbolic signs to connote a distinct brand ‘identity’ for a product which in physical composition cannot be differentiated from other examples of the same product e.g. perfume or cigarettes. Celebrity – a meaning structure is created by selling commodities in terms of social (celebrity) identity. The product being sold is ‘given’ the character attributes more usually associated with the celebrity e.g. physical strength, elegance etc.. The consumer buys the product to ‘buy into’ the celebrity’s image (see promise of pleasure principle’). ‘Promise of pleasure’ principle – setting up links between consumption of the product and personal fulfillment or attainment of desired state of being. The consumer is not buying the product itself, but the emotional promise. Commodification – advertising translates statements about objects into statements about human relationships or types of consumer. This implies a denial of individual identity by the translating human beings into objects; Objectification – the use of the part (of the human body) to stand for the whole denies human agency or the wholeness of the individual. This is more often associated with the use of female models. ‘Fragmentation’ of the female body connotes the commodification of female identity; the ‘gaze’ (scopophilia) – where the presumed spectator is gendered male, the notion of the ‘gaze’ connotes unequal power relations between the sexes (inequalities which are presumed to mirror those in wider society); Gender stereotyping- this can relate to ideological expectations as to gender roles and the use of gender stereotypes or sexualisation as a marketing tool; Racial or ethnic stereotyping – this can relate to the exploitation of social ‘difference’ e.g. the ‘other’ (in which one culture is seen as ‘opposed’ to mainstream western characteristics) in a way which reinforces the social stereotype or attracts by the presumption of exoticism; Ideology – objects are used as signifiers within the context of wider signifying systems or ideological contexts e.g. ‘western democracy’/consumerism, and can only be properly understood via a knowledge of this ideological framework. The spectator constructs meaning according to the codes at his/her disposal i.e. meaning is socially mediated and not individualistic; Social identity – the spectator constructs meaning according to the codes as his/her disposal ie the meaning constructed is socially mediated and not purely personal or individual. Context and Audience: Where is the image to be found? You need to consider whether it is/was intended for a magazine, a poster, a street hoarding etc. What is/was the intended public for the image? What impact might identified issues have had upon the design of the image under analysis? When considering a news photograph a number of other questions might be asked – such as the news value of the image itself and the relationship between the image itself and the surrounding text.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Importance of Handwash
Image description. Better Health Channel logo End of image description. Handwashing – why it's important A number of infectious diseases can be spread from one person to another by contaminated hands, particularly gastrointestinal infections, influenza and hepatitis A. Washing your hands properly can help prevent the spread of the organisms that cause these diseases. Some forms of gastroenteritis can cause serious complications, especially for young children, the elderly, or those with a weakened immune system. Drying your hands properly is as important as washing them.Ima ge des crip When to wash your hands You should wash your hands thoroughly: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Before preparing food Before eating Between handlin g raw and cooked or ready-to-eat food After going to the toilet or changing nappies After smoking After using a tissue or handkerchief After handling rubbish or working in the garden After handling animals After attending to sick children or other family members. How to wash your hands properly To wash hands properly: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Wet your hands with warm water.Apply one dose of liquid soap and lather (wash) well for 15–20 seconds (or longer if the dirt is ingrained). Rub hands together rapidly across all surfaces of your hands and wrists to he lp remove dirt and germs. Don’t forget the backs of your hands, your wrists, between your fingersà ‚ and under your fingernails. If possible, remove rings and watches before you wash your hands, or ensure you move the rings to wash under them, as microorganisms can exist under them. Rinse well under running water and make sure all traces of soap are removed, as residues may cause irritation.Pat your hands dry using paper towels (or single-use cloth towels). Make sure your hands are thoroughly dry. Dry under any rings you wear, as they can be a source of future contamination if they remain moist. Hot air driers can be used but, again, you should ensure your hands are thoroughly dry. At home, give each family member their own towel and wash the towels often. HandwashingÂ à ¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ why it's important Page 1 of 4 How to wash and dry hands with liquid soap and water (Click to open larger image) Use warm waterCold water is better than no water at all for a one-off hand wash, but should not be used for routine handwashing. Soap lathers (soaps up) better with warm water. The active ingredients on the surface of the soap are released more easily, making them more effective in cleaning your hands of dirt, grease and oils, without stripping away the natural oils in your skin. Using cold or hot water can also damage the skin’s natural oils. Over time, this can cause dermatitis. Soap is important Soap contains ingredients that will help to: †¢ †¢ à ¢â‚¬ ¢ Loosen dirt on your hands.Soften water, making it easier to lather the soap over your hands. Rinse your hands, leaving no residues to irritate and dry your skin. Soaps can have different pH – they may be neutral, slightly alkaline or slightly acidic. That’s why some soaps irritate some people and not others. Perfumes in soap can be another reason why some people have skin reactions. Liquid soap is best Handwashing – why it's important Page 2 of 4 Generally, it is better to use liquid soap than bar soap, particularly at work.The benefits of liquid soap include: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Hygiene – it is less likely to be contaminated. Right amount – liquid soap  dispensers do not dispense more than required (more is not better). Less waste – it’s easier to use, with less wastage. Drop-in cassette dispensers use all the soap. Saves time – liquid soap dispensers are easy and efficient to use. Disposable liquid soap cassettes are convenient, as you do not have to wash and thoroughly dry the refillable container before refilling. If you want to use refillable cont
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Motivation, Stress, and Communication Research Paper - 1
Motivation, Stress, and Communication - Research Paper Example Job responsibilities To manage the creation and execution of the marketing strategies and at the same time implement the tactical plans that meet the expectation of the company. Designing strategies for implementation of business development. Hiring and recruiting the sales force and the training and induction programs are to be managed by the VP. Evaluation and development in the business strategies. Managing the multimillion-dollar budget. Responsible for overall sales, pricing policies and business development of the products and services in the company. Work closely with the product development team, merchandise sales and other senior executives in order to create demand and brand recognition for the Company (Thuraya, 2012). Skills and Specification Excellent team player and leadership skills so as to motivate the employees and bring the best possible talent out of them. Strong verbal as well as written communication kills along with interpersonal skills. Must possess an analytic al bent of mind and be good at building strong connections. Education and Qualification MBA with Marketing or Sales as specialization 10 years of marketing experience Motivate Performance via Goal Setting Theory Goal setting often plays an important role in the motivational programs and it would help the manager to get motivated to achieve a specific goal. Specific goals tend to lead to higher performance as compared to the generalized goals (DuBrin, 2011, p.400). Thus, the VP of Limited Brands would set specific goal in order to get motivated and work for the betterment of the organization. An increase in performance is directly proportionate to goal difficulty. The VP would set harder goals as the harder the goal is, the more it gets accomplished. Goals set will be used to evaluate and monitor the performance of the VP, as it increases the impact of goals set. The VP would relate its goal-setting objective to feedbacks from the senior members of the Limited Brands. Feedback is a m otivational principle within oneself. Positive feedback would encourage the VP to repeat the same positive behavior and work. In a way, it can be said that building feedback is to set an achievable short-term goals. The accomplishment of goals gets measured at a regular interval. Thus, short-term goals also tend to increase the motivational level of both the employers and employees. The VP would also set a specific team goal in order to increase the productivity. The Vice President of Limited Brands is a huge responsibility. He needs to look after the marketing and sales and at the same time enhances the brand value, thus in the process he needs to be motivated so that all the responsibilities are performed effectively. Analysis Managing Stress Stresses are part and parcel of life especially in the work place. Job stress naturally occurs while dealing with various activities and objectives of the company. As Vice President of Limited Brands, huge responsibility overheads the VP and he is expected to carry out the responsibility in an effective manner. However, it is important to handle the stress in an
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Is it possible to change your sexuality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Is it possible to change your sexuality - Essay Example On a societal level, people-to-people contact must be stressed so that they come in close contact with each other and start understanding the needs and wants of their fellow human beings and thus no question arises when this subject starts to make headlines and the hard liners begin their daily protesting routine, just for the sake of nothing but raising a voice here and pelting stones there. This does not work in life as it mars the spirit of freedom for one and all and invites trouble from all quarters. Empathy must be the way forward in such a case whereby one puts him or her in the other’s (homosexual individual’s) shoe for a moment and start thinking of the problems and difficulties he or she would have to face in the same scenario. This would solve many a problem, as it would generate much more understanding and a sense of attachment with the gays and lesbians of the society. On an individual level, a gay or for that matter a lesbian must understand the commitment he has with the society and he also should know as to how his actions could affect it, both from a positive as well as from a negative point of view. He must avoid the trouble of inviting pressure from the hard liners if he possibly can but if the homosexual feels that it is his right to do whatsoever he wishes then he must do it, in the best manner possible, not only to benefit his own self but also provide comfort and consolation for the other homosexual who agrees to marry the former one. However, one should keep a close and vigilant eye on the pressures he would have to face at the hand of the society and the pressure groups when he decides to carry out the same.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
History The World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
History The World - Essay Example China enjoyed its last golden age under the Ming dynasty, which was characterized by economic, political, and cultural revolutions. Under Zheng’s leadership, the Chinese navy developed tremendously and carried out numerous explorations around the world. This essay explores the different ways in which people experienced their giant Chinese neighbor. The essay also explores reactions towards the Chinese self-contained civilization. Chinese growth and prosperity had significant influence on its neighbors, particularly India and Korea. During the era of imperial China, neighboring people considered China a source of intellect. The height of Chinese inventions in science and technology was realized during the Tang and Song dynasties. The Tang dynasty is considered the most prosperous dynasty in terms of science and technology. Remarkable inventions during the two dynasties can be traced in the fields of agriculture, medicine, marine and transport. Although the Chinese community made the invention for their own interests, most of the inventions trickled down to their neighbors in a variety of ways. Firstly Chinese neighbors experienced Chinese inventions through military conquest. China remained aggressive towards its neighbors throughout the history of the ancient Chinese monarchies. Chinese inventions led to dramatic expansions in its military capabilities, which promoted numerous raids on its weaker neighbors. The concept of Confucianism founded during the Yuan dynasty is also a pillar of Chinese philosophy and intellectual freedom. The concept advocated for individualism and innate morality and, had significant impact on Chinese neighbors. Neo-Confucian social and government structures can be traced among most of the Chinese neighbors such as Japan and Korea. The giant neighbor exerted numerous pressures on the nearby neighbors to a point of creating conflicts. Although
Monday, August 26, 2019
The age of the crusades Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
The age of the crusades - Essay Example They wore cloth cross (crux) sewn into their clothes - this is he most obvious background of the word "crusader" . The background of the crusades lie in Western developments earlier in the Middle Ages, as well as the deteriorating situation of the Byzantine Empire. The collapse of the Carolingian Empire in the later 9th century, combined with the relative stabilization of local European borders after the spread of Christianity among Vikings, Slavs and Magyars, meant that there was an large class of warriors who by that time had very little to do but fight among themselves and plunder the peasant population. The Church tried to interfere into this violence with the Peace and Truce of God movements, forbidding violence against certain people during certain seasons or times of year. This was somewhat successful, but trained warriors always sought an outlet for their violence. Thus, plea for help from the Byzantine Emperor Alexius I in opposing Muslim attacks fell on ready ears. After the numerous attacks of Seljuks, the Byzantine emperor Alexius I called for support, in 1095 Pope Urban II called upon all Christians to wage a war against the Turks. Crusader armies moved to Jerusalem and destroyed several cities on their way. In 1099, they took Jerusalem and massacred the local population. Eventually, several small Crusader states were created, for instance, the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Also there was another wave of crusaders, which was less successful. 2) Second Crusade (1147-1149) Christians and Muslims co-existed in the Holy Land in peace for a long time, but in 1147 Bernard of Clairvaux called for a new crusade when the town of Edessa was captured and occupied by the Turks. French and German forces made a foolish attack on Damascus, creating the dangerous situation over the whole crusader state. Invasion was failed, so army of loosers had to come back to their countries. 3) Third Crusade (1189-1192) In 1187, Saladin recaptured Jerusalem. Pope Gregory VIII ordered a new crusade, which was led by several of Europe's most important leaders: Philip II of France, Richard I of England and Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor. This crusade will be examined in detail in the next chapters of this work. 4)Fourth Crusade (1202 -1204)The Fourth Crusade was initiated by Pope Innocent III in 1202, when Muslims intended to capture the Holy Lands through Egypt. The Venetians gained control of this crusade and moved to Constantinople, where they attempted to place their protg on the throne. As a result, the city was sacked in 1204. The high spirit of the crusade was now dead, and this crusade can be explained as the kind of Papacy's struggle.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Balanced Scorecard & Tableau de bord Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Balanced Scorecard & Tableau de bord - Essay Example This paper discusses the differences and similarities between the two systems of measurements by reviewing their strengths and weaknesses and then recommending the balanced scorecard as the best to be used by the companies. Introduction Lately there has been an increased performance measurement’s system evolution. The use of measurements that are non-financial, together with more conventional economical, has become a common recommendation; even though its uses are not something new, they were only developed fully during then nineties (Anthony &Dearden, 2007, p23). The relationship between the process of strategic planning and measurement of performance has been emphasized, at all the levels of a corporation. Presently, the most highly rated system of strategic measurement is the balanced scorecard. Nevertheless, the balanced scorecard has actually brought about serious attention particularly in the United States of America, as well as in some other several countries (Atkinson, Waterhouse and Wells, 2007, p.43). However, in France, the system of performance measurement has not been welcomed with much enthusiasm like in the other countries. The academic reticence of France relies mainly on the fact that the Fre nch companies have used for more than fifty years a literary dashboard (tableau de bord), which is much more similar to the balanced scorecard. ... Balanced scorecard Since the year 1992, several articles and texts have been dedicated to the balanced scorecard. However, those who mostly advocated for the approach are Kaplan and Norton. Moreover, several publications have stressed its general deployment conditions or reported particular experiences. It translates a business unit’s strategy and vision into goals and measures of performance in four various areas namely; the financial, client, perspectives of growth and learning and internal business process (Kaplan and Norton, 1993, p.83). The financial viewpoint identifies the way the corporation wishes to be seen by its shareholders. The customer viewpoint identifies the way the corporation wishes to be seen by its clients. The internal business process viewpoint highlights the business process whereby the corporation has to be specifically proficient for the purposes of satisfying its clients and shareholders. This explanation results in the identification of the major in dicators of process that the corporation wishes to manage and which will be party to the balanced scorecard itself (Jenkins, 2000, p.73). Usage and effectiveness among the survey respondents Tableau de bord It is not an easy thing to describe the tableau de bord. The tableau de bord is old as compared to the balanced scorecard, and this means that it has gone through several changes since its inception. There are several versions of it than the balanced scorecard. In French, we find that the ‘tableau de bord’ refers to the dashboard, and therefore the manager is figuratively compared to a pilot. In accordance with this culture, it is a tool meant for the company’s top management, giving it a quick and worldwide
Mobile Marketing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Mobile Marketing - Research Paper Example The paper aims at deciphering the future of digital marketing along with the advantages and disadvantages. It gives emphasis on mobile marketing as it gained prominence over the past few years. Digital marketing has already made a huge progress in the present situation and in the years to come, this will proceed and benefit everyone in the world. This needs to be adopted by every marketer for enhancing the communication with its potential customers.Digital marketing refers to the process of marketing where information about products is delivered to the target customers with the help of technologies. Taking the help of this brand awareness increases among people and all this leads to increase in sales thereby generating profit in the long run. It enables the audience to access information about any company they want through digital media and this is possible at any place and any time.This medium is used not only by the customers but also by the companies in order to know about the pre ferences of customers. The knowledge about the choices of customers is not enough; there is a greater need for communicating with them. This is done through social media sites, emails, and mobile phones. The companies by taking the help of these mediums know about the experiences of the customers, record them and through this, the expectations about the products of them are known. The strategies adopted by rival companies can also be extracted from digital media and this can be incorporated in their own companies for improving.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Summary and Strong Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Summary and Strong Response - Essay Example e author disputes the report’s contention that these statistics do not indicate racial profiling or bias, claiming that the results are compelling, particularly since Hispanic and black drivers are more likely to face police force than white drivers do. He uses evidence from the report that shows black drivers were twice as likely to be arrested at traffic spots, while Hispanics were more likely to receive tickets than white drivers (Robinson, 2007). The author continues to contend that blacks have become used to the profiling that they are less likely to accept traffic charges than Hispanics and whites (Robinson, 2007). In addition, blacks stopped for traffic issues are twice as likely to be released without charge as white drivers, meaning that they were not in the wrong to begin with. He uses this as clear evidence of racial profiling and selective searches. The author concludes that, from the statistics in the report, if white drivers were stopped as often as Hispanics and blacks, they would uncover thousands of new crimes (Robinson, 2007). However, because society does not want to be searched all the time, racial profiling continues unabated since Hispanics and blacks are easier targets. From the statistics provided by the author, I believe that racial profiling, especially on American roads, is still alive and well. From the statistics provided by the writer, it is obvious that Hispanics and blacks are more prone to be stopped and searched compared to white drivers. However, the manner in which he uses the statistics does not leave any room for additional factors as to why there is bias on America’s roads. For example, the statistics used do not factor in differences in driving patterns that are prevalent on the roads. Representation of Hispanic and black drivers among those stopped and searched could significantly differ from how the statistics used represent them in residential areas. People driving on major highways could be significantly different
Friday, August 23, 2019
Academic writing for accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Academic writing for accounting - Essay Example ty of Accounting discourse, where Chambers is of the view that accounting had not made enough stride and that there were still defects in the various theories that existed at the time (Chambers 1999, p. 241). This paper will examine the main arguments brought out in the 1999 paper by Chambers, and some of the responses by opposing academicians that will be discussed later on in the paper. Accountability was probably one of the biggest concepts that Chambers may have brought to light with the writing of the article that received both praise and criticism in equal measure. In the article, Chambers describes the legal issues that most financial institutions had to face due to their unprofessional nature that resulted in the loss of capital to the tune of millions of dollars. This he describes as professional inadequacy, whereby the people tasked with the right to carry out certain duties, lack the responsibility to do so. This is especially true for Richard Mattessich, who was a strong opponent of the theories brought on by Chambers, especially in Chambers’ 1999 ‘Poverty’. Mattessich describes Chambers as an individual who lacks or fails to find comfort, solace, or even joy in the achievements or strides made by accounting over the last half century (Mattessich 2005, p. 30). Mattessich does not appreciate the fact that the richness of the accounting practice is not identified in Chambers’ article, which is seen to portray the science that is accounting in bad light. He, however, agrees that accountability may have been lacking especially with the scandals that came about that led to the bankruptcy of some of the biggest financial institutions at the time. What he does not agree with is the fact that Chambers claims that the field of accounting is to solely blame for the insolvencies that most institutions face. Another opponent of the theories brought forth by Chambers is Tony Tinker. Tinker believes that the faith placed on economics by Chambers is
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Corellation Between Spirituality, Emotions Essay Example for Free
Corellation Between Spirituality, Emotions Essay Abstract  The purpose of this paper is to describe the changes during pregnancy, which is influenced by various factors like lifestyle modification, emotions and spirituality. The paper first discusses in detail about the stress and emotional changes, which occurs during pregnancy and its impact on both child and mother. These results are also supported with proper evidence from various research.  Secondly, paper discusses about how lifestyle modification in pregnant women affects the child and mother and these results are supported by evidence from various research. Finally, the paper discusses about the spiritual believes and its impact on pregnant women. INTRODUCTION Pregnancy is a life event for which most women look forward too. The symptoms of pregnancy might sometimes be distressing but ultimately, it is all worthwhile. Women’s life changes completely during this period. This is the most stressful as well as memorable period in a women’s life. Proper planning before pregnancy to overcome the physical and emotional changes is highly essential. Since, lifestyle modification, stress, anxiety and diet changes produce major impacts in pregnant women and the fetus, the need for proper life style modification during pregnancy is recommended by all physicians. This paper discusses the impact of three major factors Stress, life style modification and spirituality in pregnant women with empirical evidence from various research studies. STRESS AND RELATED IMPACTS IN PREGNANT WOMEN Expectant women are subject to stress due to several factors, which includes physical changes during pregnancy, environmental changes, lifestyle changes and several other factors. Pregnant women besides physical changes also experience emotional changes at time of pregnancy. Mood swings are common and women will face emotional ups and downs in early pregnancy because of hormonal changes. Its is common for pregnant women to cry or get angry and upset for no apparent reason.  Pregnancy Changes related to stress During first trimester, the pregnant women spend most of their time by realizing the fact that they are pregnant. They experience themselves inwardly and try to understand and overcome the fears about the pregnancy. This must be the case only when the women experiencing the first pregnancy. In later pregnancy, they become more familiar with the changes. At first pregnancy, pregnant women are subjected to many fear such as fear about discontinuing the job, lifestyle changes, responsibility, economical constrains etc. Insecure feelings are common during the early stage of pregnancy. Mood swings grows higher leading to unusual behaviors. The pregnant woman may laugh or cry for irrelevant things. These are often related to hormonal changes in the body. However, researchers believe that hormonal changes during pregnancy augment the force of the feelings and do not causes mood change. Few researchers has identified that the amount of anxiety is heavier in pregnant women who bears a boy baby, for which the reasons are unidentified. In the second trimester, the expectant mother slowly comes out of fear and anxiety, which they experienced during the first trimester and starts feeling better as by now they start experiencing the movement of the baby. During this period, the understanding between the husband and wife starts growing and slowly they accept the existence of baby. The woman starts showing changes physically as she gain weight, also fear and anxiety grows rapidly during this period as fear of miscarriage or disaster to the baby or to herself develops. Speaking out about the fear to her husband or to someone close would relive herself from stress. During the last stage of pregnancy, the pregnant mother experience more fear and stress. As they grow larger in size, they experience low self-esteem and expect more attention from all the dear ones especially from her husband. They fear more regarding delivery complications.  Physical stress during pregnancy and its impact Physical strain during pregnancy is equal to emotional strain. High physical stress during pregnancy is not advisable as it has possibility of inducing preterm delivery among pregnant women. â€Å"In a research conducted by Mozurkewich and Colleague among the employees of pregnant women in U.S who had performed increased physical work has given birth before their deliver date. In another study conducted among the women in France has shown similar results.  Stress and its impact on diet Stress, tension, low energy, exhaustion and other emotional changes can influence the diet preference by the pregnant women. According to the study conducted by the ‘Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health’, â€Å"the diet of the expectant mother would affect the growth of the fetus and the wellbeing of the infant. According to this study which was conducted by ‘Kristen Hurley, Janet DiPietro, Kathleen Costigan and Laura Caulfield’, â€Å"Mother who experienced more fatigue during the pregnancy period consumed more amount of energy rich foods and zinc and consumed less folate. Expectant mothers who felt more stressed munched more amount of snacks and carbohydrate foods and also consumed lots of foods which is rich in fat, protein, iron and zinc. Worried feelings were connected with poorer consumption of vitamin C. Mothers who were stressed by pregnancy experience ate less meat.† â€Å"While pregnant women eating more amount of food may lead to increase in micronutrients and decrease the intake of other important nutrients like folate and vitamin C†, says, ‘Laura Caulfield, Ph.D. an associate professor at the Bloomberg School of Public Health’s Centre for Human Nutrition’.  Stress and its effect on the fetus Stress during pregnancy can bring about several changes in mother and child’s health. It affects the heart rate of the pregnant women. It also brings about blood pressure and anxiety in women. â€Å"According to Catherine Monk of Columbia University, emotional changes during pregnancy result in heart problems in pregnant women and have major effect on the fetus.† Earlier research has shown that stress during pregnancy leads to under weight babies and premature babies. Researcher has found that heart rate of mother is associated to heart rate of the fetus and when mother is stressed or worried, it affects the infant directly. Researchers from John Hopkins University and National Institute of Child Health Development (NICHD) in their research have found that emotional changes during pregnancy have direct impact on child’s behavior. Mother with increased emotion and fear of pregnancy has children with poor behavior skills and emotional disorder.   â€Å"According to Janet A. DiPietro, PhD, a developmental psychologist and professor at John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, increased stress during pregnancy results in chemical changes which manipulate the organ growth and development of the fetus.†Thus, it is essential for a pregnant women to be free from stress and emotions during and after pregnancy to give birth to a healthy baby and to maintain her own health. LIFESTYLE CHANGES AND ITS IMPACT IN EXPECTANT MOTHER Lifestyle modification during pregnancy affects both mother and child especially when seems to be negative. Expectant mothers who are involved in habits such as Cigarette, alcohol, caffeine etc are under risk of developing breast cancer, delivery complications and pass the risk of behavioral disorder to their child. Apart from this diet, modification and exercise pattern also has impact on child’s growth. Expectant mother with eating disorder or overeating habits are prone to low-birth weight or over weight babies. Alteration in diet with inadequate nutrients or over nutrition leads to gestational diabetes. The child born to such parents develops Type I diabetes and are also at risk of developing cardiovascular problems. Lower folate consumption before and during the time of pregnancy would lead to birth defect and neurological problems. Hence, proper nutrition intake before and after pregnancy is essential. Consumption of Alcohol at the time of pregnancy leads to abortion, affects the fetus development, causes serious birth defects particularly the intellectual growth of the child. Hence, it is advisable to avoid alcohol consumption before and during pregnancy. Pregnant women who drink heavily are at risk of giving birth to child with alcohol syndrome i.e. a syndrome, which has major effect on mental and physical health. Similarly, pregnant women who consumes higher amount of caffeine are also at risk of developing miscarriage and birth defects. In addition, heavy exposure to chemicals can lead to birth defects. Various studies have shown that exposure to hazardous chemicals as solvents at work place have resulted in increase in the risk of abortion or birth defects. Apart from these, exercise during pregnancy is highly essential. Exercise during pregnancy strengthens the lower back and lower abdomen. Lack of proper exercise would result in caesarian and delivery complications. Exercise can reduce the labor complications and the risk of delivery. Regular exercise and walking would be more effective if followed in the second and third trimester. It helps the pregnant women to be relieved out of constipation, discomfort due to increased weight, fatigue, backaches etc  Diet modification during pregnancy affects the child and the offspring A research study conducted by â€Å"Children’s hospital Oakland Research Institute by David Martin, M.D, Dr. Jennifer Cropley and Catherine Suter from Victor Chang Heart Institute in Sydney, November 2006, has found that, ‘ mother’s diet during pregnancy  dose not only affect the health of her child but also affects the health of the grandchildren by changing the behavior of specific gene.†The researchers has performed the study on Avy mouse (yellow in color) which posses gene similar to human genes. The researchers during the research has used two group of pregnant mouse of which one group was fed with usual diet consumed by human and the other group was provided with supplements such as folate, vitamin, zinc etc along with the normal diet during the middle of the pregnancy. The similar experiments were followed for the offspring’s. The results of the study revealed that mouse without the supplement diet in both the experiments has shown considerable alteration in the gene resulting in the change of color from yellow to brown and were also found to be unhealthy and are at risk of cancer. Though it is, the known fact that mother’s diet would have considerable impact on the child’s health this is the first study, which has compared the correlation between mother’s diet and its impact in offspring. According to ‘Kenneth Beckman, Ph.D. Assistance Scientist at CHORI and a member of Project Export Centre of excellence in Nutritional Genomics, said, â€Å"The supplements provided during the pregnancy of the mother benefited the grand children even when the mother of the grandchild did not consume diet with supplements. Thus, maternal diet could have long lasting implications which extends for generations and even centuries.†Overeating and its impact on child  According to the research from ‘Oregon Health and Science University, September 2006’, â€Å"overeating during pregnancy may lead to several health problems to the child.† â€Å"The researcher Kevin Grove, Ph.D., a scientist in ONPRC’s Division of Neuroscience in his research has confirmed that grandchildren off the expectant mother who overeat are at risk for liver damage and at a risk for early commencement of diabetes and obesity. Apart from this considerable change take place in the hypothalamus of the brain, which is responsible for the weight regulation.  He also states that children who are born to mother who consumes lots of fatty foods may be at a risk of diabetes and obesity.†The researchers have noted that pregnant female monkeys who were used for the research when provided with high fatty food passed on liver damage and pancreas damage to their offspring’s. The results were similar to humans when expectant women consumed high fatty food. It is clear from the above study that the need for a balanced diet among pregnant women is highly essential to prevent all health related problems to the child and the offspring. Another study conducted by world health organization there is a considerable increase in obesity related heart disease and metabolic disease among the present generation. Though the increase in obesity among present generation is because they consume high amount of fatty foods like sugar and saturated fats, on the other hand the obesity is also associated with increased consumption of energy rich food during pregnancy and during breast-feeding is one more reason for obesity among children’s. For several years it is has been stated that undernourished mother during pregnancy give birth to low birth weight babies which in turn affects the infant with heart related problems as it grows. However, latest studies reveals that apart form undernourished mother even the child born for mother who during pregnancy expose to energy rich food are also prone to heart disease. The study also revels that maternal diet has direct impact on child’s desire for food and maternal diet with increased energy food results in heart disease and other diseases like diabetes and hypertension in the later part of life. In such cases, the child develops abnormalities in aorta and in kidney resulting in severe disease as they grow up.  Smoking affects the child and grandchild Pregnant women may pass down the habit of smoking and its related disease to their child and to their grandchildren for continued generation.  Research study from Australia in 1982 has revealed the fact that children born to mothers who smoked during the time pregnancy started smoking before the age of 15 when compared to the children’s who were born to the mother who were non-smokers. At the same time, children’s of mothers who were smokers and gave up smoking at the time of pregnancy has shown similar results as children’s of mother who was non-smoker. Thus, pregnant women are highly recommended to avoid smoking during pregnancy. Different study conducted by ‘Keck School of Medicine of University of California, states that use of tobacco and nicotine by the mother during pregnancy would result in lung diseases such as asthma to her children and grandchildren. The author Frank D. Gilliland, Professor of preventive medicine Keck School of Medicine states that smoking pregnant women will pass down long-term impact of lung disease in generations continuing for centuries. The research result shows that children’s and grandchildren’s of smoking mother at the time of pregnancy experienced problems of asthma from the age of five. Although the child of smoking mother did not experience any problem, the grandchild was highly prone to developing asthma. The researchers have also found that the nicotine present in the tobacco affects the DNA of the infant and affects the immune system of the baby. It is also found that nicotine from the tobacco affects the formation of the egg in the girl child as it grows. Thus, from above research studies it is clear that lifestyle modification in pregnant women would bring major impact in both child and mother. Few research has also proved that even grandchildren’s and further generation are affected by irregular dietary habits and alcohol and smoking habits. SPIRITUALITY AND ITS IMPACT ON EXPECTANT MOTHER Fasting seems to be one of spiritual activity, which has influenced most of the religious people especially Hindus and Muslims. People by fasting show their gratitude and love towards God. However, fasting when continued for more that two or three days leads to Lower Glycemic Index, reduces the protein and fat level in blood, increases the uric acid content, and possibly reduces the RBC and hemoglobin levels in the blood. If this is the case for normal people, when women with pregnancy undergoes fasting the results would be more drastic leading to ill health to both mother and child. As pregnancy is a crucial period and the mother is expected to consume the right amount of nutrition to maintain her health and the babies’ health, fasting during such period has to be avoided. According to a ‘Physician Gabriel Cousens, â€Å"fasting means to withdraw from that which is poisonous to the intellect, body and spirit. This can also be described as removal of corporal, emotional and psychological pollutant from our life, more willingly than merely staying away from or interrupting eating. Starving oneself for religious purposes typically involves taking away thyself from worldly duties.†On the other hand, in spite of the awareness for the need for proper nutrition some expectant mothers as being more religious blindly believes that by following rituals like fasting would bring God’s love and blessings to the child. Especially Muslim women’s during the period of Ramadan even if pregnant presume that fasting is obligatory for healthy wellbeing of child and mother. However, Islam is not too harsh on Muslim women’s who are pregnant. For that reason, no religion would be cruel to advice fasting during pregnancy. In Islam, the culture itself has prohibited such activity. Qur’an, has stated the following people not to fast during Ramadan, â€Å"pregnant women in her last trimester and also to avoid fasting by expectant mother if its is harmful to the mother and the child, women who is breast feeding, menstruating women and women who are in nifas.† According to Hadith, â€Å"the religion also states that if a expectant mother or the breast-feeding mother is subjected to health problems due to fasting, in such case they can fast the equivalent amount of days in another period of time.†Fasting are starving in the name of god is not ideal and it only spoils the health of the mother and baby. As pregnancy is an imperative period in women’s life attachment between mother and child grows right from the time of conception and develops with intake of right nutrition at right time. Impacts of fasting in Expectant women During pregnancy, the mother has to eat for two hence at this time going without food or starving without food due to spiritual reasons would affect both the child and mother. On the other hand, avoiding food at instance help the mother to remove the toxins from her body. Toxins loaded in the kidney, lungs, bladder, skin, intestinal track, respiratory track etc can be removed when avoiding food at some instances. However, this depends on the body condition of the women. In such cases the pregnant women has to take the advice of her doctor regarding her dietary habits. The culture of Islam states that fasting during first and second trimester of pregnancy is safer. This is also supported by the statement provided by ‘Dr. Shahid Athar; â€Å"according to him expectant based on health conditions can fast during the 1st and 2nd trimesters with the guidance and supervision from her obstetrician.†In a study conducted in Africa by researchers from Austin, nearly 89.5% of expectant women were fasting during the month of Ramadan. The result showed that blood glucose level in expectant mother who were fasting were significantly less than the normal amount which has resulted in gestational diabetes among these women. As no carbohydrate is available for producing glucose during the fasting period ketosis occur to avoid the loss of protein, which results in fall in insulin level and augmented weight loss. The research has proved that continuous fasting in pregnant women increase the risk of gestational diabetes, which results in over weight babies, caesarian, and stillbirth. Proper diet management under medical supervision and frequent blood testing for blood sugar can prevent gestational diabetes in pregnant women. Another research by â€Å"Kellymon has proved that fasting leads to dehydration, which thereby decreases the milk supply due to the decreased fluid level in the body.†    Another study by Centre for Advance for health in 2000 has revealed that pregnant mothers who starved during the first 14 weeks of pregnancy has given birth to child who are at high risk of heart disease. Form the research studies it is clear that fasting in the name of spirituality has shown adverse effect on both the child and mother. Although the belief of the expectant mother has to be considered, health related issues due to fasting have to be given priority. Since, the effect of fasting affects not only the mother but also the child, such beliefs has to be considered. The impacts of fasting last on child’s health for longer period and even it grows for several generations. CONCLUSION  As pregnancy is a crucial period in women’s life special attention and care during this period is more important. Pregnant women in general should be away from stress and try to keep them relaxed and peaceful. Excess stress can create severe impact on women’s health and in child’s health and also can lead to preterm delivery and miscarriage. Focusing on positive lifestyle changes before and after pregnancy could yield better results by improving the health and intellect of the baby. Thus for safe and healthy pregnancy, it is always better to be planed to avoid all harmful behaviors.  REFERENCES Shahid Athar, â€Å"Effects of Fasting in Pregnant Women during Ramadan†, Journal of Islamic Medical Association, November 1987. Hadith, â€Å"Studies on Fasting during Ramadan†, Islamic Horizon, October 2003. Kevin Grove, â€Å"Overeating and its impact on child†, Oregon Health and Science University, September 2006 Kristen Hurley, Janet DiPietro, Kathleen Costigan and Laura Caulfield, â€Å"Stress and its Impact in Pregnant Women,†Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, June 2005.  David Martin, Dr. Jennifer Cropley, Catherine Suter, Kenneth Beckman, â€Å"Diet modification during pregnancy affects the child and the offspring†, Children Hospital and Research Centre at Oakland, December 2006. World Health Organization, â€Å"Obesity related to cardiovascular disease in children†, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, May 2005. Frank D. Gilliland, Yu-Fen Li, â€Å"Smoking during Pregnancy affects the Child and Grandchild†, Chest Vol. 128, No. 5, April 2005, Pp 1231-1241. Mozurkewich EL. â€Å"Working Conditions and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome.†Obstetrics and Gynecology 2001. 96:624-636.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Learning Styles Is Significant To Student Nurses Nursing Essay
Learning Styles Is Significant To Student Nurses Nursing Essay In my own understanding, learning style is defined as how individuals prefer to learn or their steady way of responding and using stimuli in the aims of improving their learning. According to Keefe (1979) learning style is defined as the composition of cognitive, affective and psychological behaviour that serves as an indicator of how an individual perceives, interacts with and responds to the learning environment. There are numerous definitions to the perspective of learning style. Sims and Sims (1995) also stated that learning style helps in providing means for developing systematic understanding of how to absorb, retain and process the content of information. In difference, Moseley, Hall Ecclestone (2004) stated that the diverse experiences of individuals learning can be difficult to measure to how best an individuals learning styles is determined. This learning style has been majorly stated to allow individuals to learn through the experiences thereby helping different people to organise and manage their own learning (Goldfinch Hughes, 2007).Understanding learning styles supports student nurses in comprehending the value of learning and developing the skills needed to practice. It is important for an individual to know their learning style because it helps to build and produce effective team work as well as to strengthen self-confidence. Learning styles have been an aid to reflection as it helps nurses to reflect appropriately on the care of the patients. Without learning styles for nursing students, it can be quite challenging to reflect on a situation as reflection stages involve thinking and learning in order to produce a better outcome. OCarroll Park (2007) also stated that reflection has become a key learning tool for practice based professions such as nursing. This simply means nurses are expected to reflect at all times based on the kind of care that is given and also to reflect on any areas of improvement, and if the right care is given to the right patients to provide a good standard of care. According to Cottrell (2003) learning is a multi-faceted process involving an individuals learning history, the environment and the interaction in between. It is therefore based on the styles that are being used to acquire new knowledge and skills (Lesmes-Anel, Robinson Moody, 2001).Another use of understanding learning styles for student nurses is for strategy how to overcome problematic situations and also to be more competent when qualified. For example if a student nurse have knowledge about their learning style, they will be able to look for the environment that best suit them as an individuals and would be able to work effectively within a team and other interdisciplinary team successfully . Student nurses will also be able to target areas that need improvement by identifying the areas that are more difficult or a weakness so as to set up a strategy to deal with it for a better outcome, to get more out of education career and to be able to deliver good standard of care to patient. To sum up usefulness of knowing learning style to student nurses it makes learning stress-free, more effective and reduces the chance of anxiety. It also saves student nurses undertaking learning on a hit-and-miss basis, becoming an outstanding learner, increases flexibility and helps to learn from a wide variety of different understanding which can be recognized, informal, planned and unplanned. Learning styles will also enable student nurses to improve and develop learning skills. In addition, it increases awareness of how we learn, opens up the whole process to self-scrutiny and improvement. In Honey questionnaire (2006), the author identifies four learning preferences which are Activist, Reflector, Theorist and Pragmatist. My dominant learning style indicated to be a theorist in the formative work. The answer to the questionnaire also shows that my score was also strong for both pragmatist and reflector as a learning preference. While in activist learning style found a low score indicating underdevelopment of my learning style. According to Alghasham (2012) learners predominantly possess different strengths of learning preferences; therefore being dominant in one area does not ultimately imply weakness in the other areas. In the study by Lesmes-Anel, Robinson Moody (2001) found that learners are predominantly reflector-pragmatist compared with trainers as reflector-theorist. Being a theorist according to Honey questionnaire I learn most easily from activities where I have the chance to question and probe practice, I am also stretched by analysing a complex situation by working with people who ask searching for searching similar answers. I adapt and assimilate observations into complex and logically sound theories; I also think problems through stage- by-stage and tend to be perfectionists who like to fit things into a clear structure. The activities that allow a theorist to benefit from the learning process for me as a student nurse are situations where there is a chance to discover the association and the interrelationship between ideas, events and situations. For example, being a theorist allows me to learn best by contributing in class activities which means taking part in good effective communication and it has enabled me to seek for information by asking questions to stimulate others participation and also to understand the coherent and the assumptions of the theories. Conversely, the difficulty here is in the case where there are activities without background information or apparent purpose which will impair my learning and where I feel myself out of tune with other participants, for example when with lots of activist or people of lower intellectual competence. (Honey Mumford, 1986). Evaluating my learning style as an activist has indicated under-developed style in my learning. Having this style will improve my ability to experience new skills by working as an individual. I will have to develop the aspect of my weaker style which is activist to support my learning on the programme and in my career as a nurse by being able to learn from new experiences as learning needs; I will also be prepared to take risk by going outside the comfort zone of what is identified and experiment new and unfamiliar routine and developments. According to Heidari and Galvin (2003) activist learner is an action learning where the learner becomes independent in the learning process thereby contributing to the team. For this to be achieved increasing the independent learning and reduce my day to day routine work which In this case action plan requiring daily tasks will be applied. Honey and Mumford (1986) expressed a pragmatist learner learns best through existing activities that allows the individual to try out. This way learner has the tendency to have the opportunity to practice what they have learnt. In this case, being a pragmatist enable me to take part in activities by effort to follow instructions from lectures, colleagues, authors mentors and nurses on placement who have the theoretical and practical experience to share with. For example, during my first placement I had the opportunities to practice under supervision on how to take out cannulation using the Aseptic Non Touch Techniques (ANTT) to remove cannula and Nasogastric tube in both men and women. This assisted in building myself confidence I needed and also promotes self-regulation of clinical reasoning skills. On the other hand, Honey Mumford (2000) found that it can be difficult for the learner in situations where the learner cannot see significant reward from the activities. In this case, it will be best for me as a student nurse to link theory to practice by asking questions to clarify points being made to develop my understanding. Jasper (2003) expressed reflector as an individual who has the experiences of standing back and looking at a situation from different perspective. Having a high score as a reflector in the questionnaire, shows I will enjoy activities which involve watching, observing and listening to people during group discussion and lecturing session. There also the tendency to think about what has happened or learnt by relating new ideas or information to the past experience and then to examine them (Howatson-Jones, 2010). Learning as a reflector will enables me as a student nurse to be thoughtful and consider all possible areas and implications of obtaining detailed information before making decision (Honey Mumford, 1986). In conclusion learning style is beneficial for student nurses because it allows individuals to reflect on the past, present and future. It has also indicated my dominant learning style and I was able to identify my weaker style which has aided me to provide an action plan that will equip me to learn from a wide variety of experiences for me to be able to deliver good standard of care to patients now and in future. Annotated bibliography Jasper, M. (2003). Beginning reflective practice. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes Ltd. This book introduces what reflective practice is all about, importance of reflection, how to reflect both individually and with others, approach of individual learning as well as developing professional practice. It also demonstrates skills necessary for effective practice, benefits of successful reflection to pre-registration and on-going professional development portfolios. The book will also enable student nurses to develop the practical skills necessary to reach the standards for registration as practitioners and make an awareness of individual knowledge, skills and your limitations so as to be competent. Honey, P. Mumford, A. (2006). The learning style questionnaire. Maidenhead: Peter Honey Publication. This learning style questionnaire was given in class and the content of the book explain different definition of learning, focuses on learning styles preferences and helps to see how an awareness of our preferences can help to become more effective learner. It also helps identify our preferred styles and enhance our learning efficiency by guiding us towards learning opportunities that will best suit our partialities. The questionnaire also have 40 learning style question to answer and clarify individual preferred ways of learning so that discrete people will be in a better position to select experiences that suits their style. The book is as used to broaden people scope by strengthening underutilised styles and being able to write essay on how to develop an aspect of our weaker style to support individual learning on the programme. Madeline O Carroll Alistair P. (2007). Essential mental health nursing skills: Elsevier publications. This book will help individual to recognize the skills and resources that students already have and show how these can be developed into the essential skills needed for nursing in health practice environment. The book also identifies four essential skills that are essential to nursing practice and these skills are the ability to form therapeutic relationships, observations, taking on different roles and reflection. Part of the book section focuses on the process of care and provides background in which the essential skills is applied and also covers assessment, care delivery, communication, improving physical wellbeing and managing care. Howatson-Jones, L. (2010). Reflective practice in nursing. Exeter: Learning Matters. This book discussed what reflection is, benefit of reflection, it also state a valued accumulation to the transforming nursing practice and emphasis on reflective practice in the NMC standards for pre-registration nursing education. The book provides method for developing logical skills through different way of using personal and professional reflection for learning and developing as a practitioner. The book is an aid to reflect as well as ways to assimilate personal reflective insight and a means of helping to advance nursing knowledge in more diverse ways. Heidari, F. Galvin, K. (2003). Action learning group: Can they help students develop their knowledge and skills? Nurse Education in Practice, 3, 49-55. This article explain what reflection is, acknowledged three stages to promote reflection which one has to go through, it also indicates ways to help student nurses how to reflect that can be used once qualified and when training. The article also talk about the important of reflective practice as learning resources for education is growing and reflecting on their own personal development as well as sharing the improvement. To sum up the article states the aim of action learning groups (ALGs) and evaluates importance, weakness and strength of the book to student nurses. Lesmes-Anel, J., Robinson, G. Moody, S. (2001). Learning preferences and learning styles: a study of Wessex general practice registrars. British Journal of General Practice, 51, 559-564. This British journal of general practice states learning experiences generate during the year in practice and the aim of this journal are to determine for the general practice registrars the nature of their learning preferences, learning styles and relationships between them. The journal also introduces what learning styles is and how honey and Mumford questionnaire establish the learning styles of 63 general practice learners in their year of practice and how experienced trainers react very differently to identical learning experiences during the year in practice. Finally this journal describe activist as having experiences, reflector as reviewing experiences, theorist as concluding from experience and pragmatist as planning the next steps. REFRENCES Alghasham, A. A. (2012). Effect of students learning styles on classroom performance in problem-based learning. Medical teacher, 34 14-19. Coffield, F., Moseley, D., Hall, E. Ecclestone, K. (2004). Learning style and pedagogy in post-16 learning: a systematic and critical review. London: Learning skills research centre. Goldfinch, J. Hughes, M. (2007). Skills, learning stayles and success of first-year undergraduates. London: Sage Publications. Heidari, F. Galvin, K. (2003). Action learning group: Can they help students develop their knowledge and skills? Nurse Education in Practice, 3, 49-55. Honey, P. Mumford, A. (1986) Manual of Learning Styles. Maidenhead: Peter Honey Publication. Honey, P. Mumford, A. (2000). The learning style questionnaire. Maidenhead: Peter Honey Publication. Honey, P. Mumford, A. (2006). The learning style questionnaire. Maidenhead: Peter Honey Publication. Howatson-Jones, L. (2010). Reflective practice in nursing. Exeter: Learning Matters. Jasper, M. (2003). Beginning reflective practice. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes Ltd. Keefe, J. W. (1979). Learning style: an overview. In J. W. Keefe (eds.). Student learning style: Diagnosing and prescribing programs. Reston: NASSP. OCarroll, M Park, A. (2007). Essential mental health nursing skills: Elsevier publications.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Positive effect of technology on business
Positive effect of technology on business Introduction This studys objective is to analyse the positive effect of technology on businesses and organisations. In order to accomplish this objective, an industry as well as an organisation within the industry was selected for focus. Additionally, the technologies that were incorporated into organisation were observed as well as the benefits received by the organisation. The selected industries for the purposes of this study are the global confectionary industry. Additionally, the selected organisation selected for this study is Cadbury, which is a well-known global confectionary organisation, which leads the market in candy. Initially, an analysis of the confectionary industry is performed by the PESTEL and Porters Five Forces models. Additionally, the study the organisation is analysed in detail and the organisations application of technology is also analysed. Global Confectionary Industry The global confectionary market consists of products such as gum, chocolate, cereal bars and sugar cadies. Datamonitor (2009a) reports that in 2008, the global confectionary market created a total revenue of more than $127 billion, which represents 3 percent-per-year growth over than past 4 years. The information below shows the market value since 2004. Source: Datamonitor (2009a) The global confectionary industry is forecasted grow at a rate of 2.7 percent per year and to represent over $135 billion by 2012 (Weston, 2009). The 2008 global confectionary market is segmented into the following product groups as listed below. Global Confectionery Market Segmentation by Product Category Source: Datamonitor (2009a) The information above shows that chocolate represents 48.6 percent of the total market, whereas the sugar confectionary segment represents 35.2 percent. Additionally, the segment of gum is seen as 11.9 percent, followed by cereal bars which represent 4.3 percent of the total market (Datamonitor, 2009a). In terms of geographical segmentation, the largest market share belongs to Europe, which represents 48.4 percent of the total market. America follows Europe with 36.1 percent and 15.1 percent belongs to the Asia-Pacific region (Datamonitor, 2009a). The global confectionary sector consists of several major companies, which represent 35.5 percent of the market. These companies include Cadbury Plc, Mars Inc., and Nestle S. A. The information below shows the total market share of the industry and related companies. Source: Datamonitor (2009a) After briefly examining the industry of global confectionary, the external forces and factors which affect the industry as a whole will be examined. Analysis Of External Forces The PESTEL model of analysis will be used to observe the external factors and their impacts on the global confectionary industry. PESTEL represents a total of six factors, namely Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Ecological and Legal (Kotler and Keller, 2006). Political Factors: The policies of restrictions imposed on trade as well as protectionist policies for sugar producers created by developed countries caused an increase of sugar prices resulting from the decrease in supply (Bandow, 2009). This has been seen as a threat towards confectionary companies, due to their dependence on sugar for their products. Economic Factors: The recent global economic crisis has affected the cost of operations for companies as well as consumption by customers (Koksal and Ozgul, 2007). Consumers tend to spend very conservatively and purchase only times of necessity during recessionary periods. This can have a negative effect on sales of luxurious or premium products in the market, in which the confectionary industry belongs. Adding to this burden, the increased price of cocoa, which is typically a main ingredient of some confectionary products, has had a significant impact on the confectionary industry (globalbusinessinsights, 2009). Social Factors: The overall population of Europe is aging compared to other markets (Travis, 2008). This is important for the confectionary industry, because the market relies on purchases from younger consumers. Additionally, health consciousness plays a role in the sales of the confectionary markets growth (globalbusinessinsights, 2009). Technological Factors: The technological factors that have affected the confectionary market can be seen in the development of artificial sweeteners including xylitol, isomalt, and stevia. The developments of these ingredients resulted in producers of confectionary products to promote non-sugar products to support the growing segment of consumers who are health conscious and provide healthier products (Business Insight, 2009). Ecological Factors: Environmentally friendliness has become a growing concern for many consumers recently. This trend represents nearly 30 percent of the market of consumers (News System, 2009). This has resulted in the confectionary markets development of new packaging and materials which are environmentally friendly. Legal Factors: Obesity is becoming a growing concern for most people in developed countries. Laws have been created which deal with these potential health problems, in particular obesity in children is addressed through these laws. The development of these laws has increased restrictions to promotional efforts towards children of companies such as confectionary producers (Swinburn, 2008). Analysis Of Industry Specific Factors Porters Five Forces model identifies the factors within the industry that affect the organisations profits (Boddy, 2005). Porter (1985), explains that the competitive environment of an industry consists of five general forces. These forces are described as threats of entry, threats of substitutes, buyers bargaining powers, suppliers power and level of rivalry in the market. Using the Five Forces model of Porter, the confectionary industry can be examined. Threat of Entry As previously mentioned, three main companies exists in the confectionary industry which include Nestle S.A., Mars Inc., and Cadbury PLC. These companies combined represent 35.5 percent of the total market. This market contains well-established, strong brands and the new introduction of new brands usually comes through brand-extension of existing brands such as KitKat ‘Chunky and KitKat ‘Cubes. Bargaining Power of Buyers Organisations within this industry offer a variety of products and the elements of price, quality and brands create a highly differentiated market for products. The negotiation power of food retailers, especially in Western countries, over confectionary producers affects the price of products in this industry (Datamonitor, 2009a). Bargaining Power of Suppliers The primary suppliers in this market include raw material producers and cocoa farmers. These cocoa farming activities are dependent on tropical climates and exist in places such as Ghana, Indonesia, Brazil and Cà ´te dIvoire (Datamonitor, 2009a). The primary ingredients in confectionary products such as cocoa and sugar are sold on the commodities market, which limits the manufacturing companys control over suppliers. In 2007 an increase of between 5 and 6 percent on main ingredients of confectionary products were seen, and resulted in higher confectionary product prices (Wearden, 2007). Threat of Substitutes Typically, confectionary products are purchase as snack foods. The substitutes for these products are fruits. The increase of health consciousness has also threatened the confectionary market due to the high substitution of healthier fruits (Datamonitor, 2009a). Lower switching costs results from the substitution products. Degree of Rivalry Large companies dominate the confectionary market. Various products exist in these companies. High brand loyalty exists in the market (Datamonitor, 2009a). Cadbury Cadbury PLC, or simply known as Cadbury represents a global leader in the market of candy, chocolate and gum. Cadbury has operations located in America, Europe, Africa and Asia. The headquarters of Cadbury is located in London, UK where 46,517 people are employed total (Datamonitor, 2009b). As a worldwide confectionary producer, distributor and marketer, Cadbury divides the business into different categories which are gum, chocolate and sugar. The primary area of operation is within the Eurozone, South and Central America, the US, Australia and the Asia Pacific region (Datamonitor, 2009b). The largest segment of the company is represented through its chocolate business which generates approximately 46 percent of the 2008 total revenues. This segment is operated by regions and caters to the preferences and tastes of each market (Datamonitor, 2009b). Cadburys gum segment offers gums of a variety of flavours including mint, strawberry, watermelon and peppermint. The gum segment produced approximately one-third of the 2008 revenues for Cadbury (Datamonitor, 2009b). Additionally, Cadbury offers several types of candies which include toffees and cough drops (Datamonitor, 2009b). Cadbury functions through four different areas which include Britain, Ireland, the Middle East, Africa (BIMA region), as well as the Americas, Asia Pacific and Europe. The BI (Britain and Ireland) segment represents the largest business unit overall. In terms of market share, the UK region held 30 percent while Ireland held 42 percent for Cadbury (Datamonitor, 2009b). SWOT Analysis A worldwide confectionary producer, distributor and marketer, Cadbury maintains a strong presence in each area of operation. Cadbury leads the global confectionary market with 10.5 percent of the market share. This strength in the market contributes to the profitability of the firm, but certain market shares are affected do to the increased price of raw materials and heavy competition. Strengths Strength in the market position Expansive geographical presence Highly active in new markets Weaknesses productivity of the employees liquidity status of the firm Opportunities Markets increasing in premium chocolates US and Europe markets are forecasted to increase Threats Increase in raw material prices Highly competitive markets Increase in US labour costs Performance Of The Company  £5,384 million in revenues were seen by Cadbury for the year of 2008, which represents an increase of 14.6 percent compared to the previous year. Cadbury also generated a profit of  £388 million during 2008, which represents a 39.6 percent increase over the previous year. Net profits for Cadbury were  £364 million during 2008, which represent a 10.1 percent decrease from the previous year (Datamonitor, 2009b). Information Technology Information systems are defined as systems that process, collect, interpret or transmit information from users through manual or automated means which include people, machines or different methods of collection. Additionally, this is defined as any type of telecommunications or equipment utilising computers which interact through a systematic network, which functions to gain, store, alter, manage, move, present, control, transmit, or receive data. A few examples of these include hardware, software and firmware. Information Technology on the other hand consists of a host of applications or technologies that allow storing, transferring and processing data to a user or users. Information communication technologies are a generic term that explains a wide variety of elements including fax, telephones, internet, applications, televisions and mobile devices (Daniels, 1998). The fundamental strategy in a firm is based on competition, which can be demonstrated through the idea of survival in the short term, market entry, dealing with legislation and creating quality customer service (Daniels, 1998). Strategic advantage is gained by these different activities and must be upheld by information services and technology. Therefore, information services strategies explain the applications and review the needs of information and implement the appropriate service to meet the needs of the organisation. These information technologies vary from large database systems or processing systems to specialised local systems. The quality of a customers relationship with the firm for example, can depend heavily on the point of contact within a marketing and sales division of a firm (Daniels, 1998). Competitive advantages are sought by companies within their respective markets through a variety of methods, which involve service, products, pricing strategy and differentiation strategies. To have a clear understanding of consumer behaviour and the business environment, a well established system and flow of information is needed. Therefore to align the business strategies with the market, the firm needs to manage the various processes and functions of the firm to encourage efficiency in the organisation. This is where the implementation of the appropriate information systems becomes important. Information systems allow effective communication throughout the organisation and among suppliers and distributors contributing to the supply chain of the organisation (Daniels, 1998). Technology In Cadbury A contract exists between Cadbury and ARINSO which will establish the euHReka system, which will combine the HR functions of the organisation globally. This system will be implemented in 2010 by Cadbury and will allow the employees of the organisation to access various services online. Additionally, information sharing will be created between the HR departments, which will allow better decision making abilities for the organisation. ARINSO has also given Cadbury the option to access services from them in the future (Business Source Complete, 2007). Although this, several problems do arise from IT as well, and Cadbury has witnessed over  £12million reduction in profits due to complications at the UK facilities (Saran, 2006). Due to this, additional IT solutions were integrated. This resulted in  £200 million being spent over a course of four years to assist with the ERP system known as SAP (Saran, 2006). In fact, in 2006, Cadbury began the year with higher than anticipated inventory and stock. Measures were taken to reduce the stock and inventory of the company by discounts in the spring of 2006 (Saran, 2006). Probe was implemented and it was suggested that this implementation resulted in various issues related to the functioning of the supply chain and manufacturing capabilities. These issues were resolved through the use of Probe, which developed a system for purchasing, marketing, distribution, finance, planning, and sales. Conclusion The global confectionary industry is analysed in this study to demonstrate the technology used in the industry. In this analysis, a small growth is demonstrated in within the industry despite the economic situation, although profits in 2008 decreased by 10 percent as compared to 2007 profits. The macro-environmental examination indicate that despite threats resulting from social, legal, and political factors the confectionary market maintains opportunities in new markets, young population of consumers, and the development of alternative raw materials such as artificial sweeteners. These opportunities not only benefit the market, but also specifically benefit Cadbury. New entry barriers however are presented by Porters Five Forces model as being high risk for new entrants. Additionally, buyers retain moderate power, suppliers retain significant power and rivalry is relatively low, while substitutes are high. Therefore, this suggests that profitability for companies can be increased by following trends in the market. In technological terms, the company will establish a new type of technology in 2010, which will provide improved decision-making capabilities in the future. The organisation in the past had implemented Probe, which is a system designed to improve functionality of manufacturing and the supply chain. Bibliography Bocij, P. (2006) Business Information Systems (3rd Ed.), Harlow: Prentice-Hall Boddy, D. (2005) Management: An Introduction (3rd Ed.), London: FT-Prentice Hall Koksal, M. H. and Ozgul, E. (2007) â€Å"The Relationship between Marketing Strategies and Performance in an Economic Crisis†, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 326-342 Kotler, P. and Keller, K. L. (2006) Marketing Management (12th Ed.), New Jersey: Prentice Hall References Bandow, D. (2009) â€Å"Time for Change in Sugar Policy†, available at: Boddy, D. (2005) Management: An Introduction (3rd Ed.), London: FT-Prentice Hall Business Insight (2009) â€Å"Innovations in Confectionery: Key Trends, Growth Opportunities and Emerging Markets†, available at: Business Source Complete (2007) â€Å"Cadbury Awards ARINSO Global HR IT System Contract†, GlobalSourcing, published on 10/11/2007 Daniels, S. (1998) â€Å"The Strategic Use of Information Systems†, Work Study, Vol. 47, No. 5, pp. 167-171 Datamonitor (2009a) â€Å"Global Confectionery: Industry Profile September 2009†, available at: Datamonitor (2009b) â€Å"Cadbury Company Profile†, available at: globalbusinessinsights (2009) â€Å"The Top 10 Confectionery Companies†, available at: Koksal, M. H. and Ozgul, E. (2007) â€Å"The Relationship between Marketing Strategies and Performance in an Economic Crisis†, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 326-342 Kotler, P. and Keller, K. L. (2006) Marketing Management (12th Ed.), New Jersey: Prentice Hall News System (2009) â€Å"Confectionery Packaging: Sustainable, Multisensory and White†, published on 7 December 2009, available at: Porter, M. (1985) Competitive Advantage, New York: Free Press Saran, C. (2006) â€Å"IT problems cost Cadbury†, Computer Weekly, published on: 6/13/2006 Swinburn, B. A. (2008) â€Å"Obesity Prevention: The Role of Policies, Laws and Regulations†, Australia and New Zealand Health Policy, Vol. 5, No. 12, available at: Travis, A. (2008) â€Å"Fewer Britons in Work Due to Ageing Population and Emigration Rather Than Migrants, Says Report†, available at: Wearden, G. (2007) â€Å"Milk and Cocoa Costs Drive up Chocolate Prices†, The Guardian, published on 11 December 2007, available at: Weston, S. (2009) â€Å"Baked Goods, Confectionery Snacks Market Dynamics†,, published on 9 July 2009, available at:
Monday, August 19, 2019
On-line Dangers Essays -- Essays Papers
On-line Dangers In this day and age of super high-speed networking and digital communications, just about anything on any subject can be found on the Internet. Some materials, such as online libraries are helpful, some, such as student’s personal homepages are fairly useless, and some sites, such as online medical references, can be lifesaving. All these sites have a right to be on the web. However, there are also sites that could be detrimental to people, such as pornography sites, pages detailing the manufacture of illegal drugs, and instructions on how to build high explosives and other illegal devices. With the number of these types increasing daily, parents and lawmakers alike are becoming concerned for the well being of the public, specifically the younger sector of the population. This raises the issue of how safe the Internet is. With the wealth of useful information available on the Internet also comes dangerous and harmful information regarding everything from stealing cable to manufacturing high explosives, as well as child pornography and invasion of privacy. If the wrong information fell into the wrong hands, disaster could result. One of the issues most common in the papers today is pornography available on the Internet. There are two main types of pornography available on the Internet: regular and child pornography. Regular porn is rationalized by the following argument: The idea that a TV show or lyric can transform a healthy and connected child into a dangerous monster is absurd. The same goes for the Internet. The idea that certain material on the net can cause a child to grow up to be a child molester is primarily the invention of politicians, who use it to frighten and rally. Religious groups who use it to teach belief to the young, and journalists, who use it to regain their once powerful position in American society. The Internet should be treated with respect, and used with responsibility, just like any other form of media. This type of porno should be allowed on the net, but all sites should require a password of some kind. However, the other type of pornography, child porn, is much more dange rous as well as illegal. This type of pornography often involves people that are willing to spend great amounts of time, money, and energy to gradually seduce their targets, as well as people that immediately engage in sexua... ... victim. Fraudulent sellers use these various on-line services to promote bogus stock offerings, credit repair services, and other far fetched ideas or offers. More chances for Internet scam artists to claim victims can be found in the on-line classified advertising. No matter where you read these, you are likely to find some that are false, such as ads promoting â€Å"miracle†weight loss products and programs. A good way to avoid being ripped off by these scams is to use your common sense: if it looks too good to be true, it probably is. In the digital age, we are offered a wide variety of conveniences and services through the Internet. Even though most of these can be useful, there are many evils out there in the digital world. Although there is probably no way we can ever make the Internet one hundred percent safe, we can use our good judgement to keep ourselves out of harms way. This includes knowing the tip-offs for online scams, never giving your credit card numbers out to sources that you don’t trust, and most importantly, monitoring your child when he or she is on the computer. It is up to the Internet user to keep themselves safe from the dangers that lurk on-line. On-line Dangers Essays -- Essays Papers On-line Dangers In this day and age of super high-speed networking and digital communications, just about anything on any subject can be found on the Internet. Some materials, such as online libraries are helpful, some, such as student’s personal homepages are fairly useless, and some sites, such as online medical references, can be lifesaving. All these sites have a right to be on the web. However, there are also sites that could be detrimental to people, such as pornography sites, pages detailing the manufacture of illegal drugs, and instructions on how to build high explosives and other illegal devices. With the number of these types increasing daily, parents and lawmakers alike are becoming concerned for the well being of the public, specifically the younger sector of the population. This raises the issue of how safe the Internet is. With the wealth of useful information available on the Internet also comes dangerous and harmful information regarding everything from stealing cable to manufacturing high explosives, as well as child pornography and invasion of privacy. If the wrong information fell into the wrong hands, disaster could result. One of the issues most common in the papers today is pornography available on the Internet. There are two main types of pornography available on the Internet: regular and child pornography. Regular porn is rationalized by the following argument: The idea that a TV show or lyric can transform a healthy and connected child into a dangerous monster is absurd. The same goes for the Internet. The idea that certain material on the net can cause a child to grow up to be a child molester is primarily the invention of politicians, who use it to frighten and rally. Religious groups who use it to teach belief to the young, and journalists, who use it to regain their once powerful position in American society. The Internet should be treated with respect, and used with responsibility, just like any other form of media. This type of porno should be allowed on the net, but all sites should require a password of some kind. However, the other type of pornography, child porn, is much more dange rous as well as illegal. This type of pornography often involves people that are willing to spend great amounts of time, money, and energy to gradually seduce their targets, as well as people that immediately engage in sexua... ... victim. Fraudulent sellers use these various on-line services to promote bogus stock offerings, credit repair services, and other far fetched ideas or offers. More chances for Internet scam artists to claim victims can be found in the on-line classified advertising. No matter where you read these, you are likely to find some that are false, such as ads promoting â€Å"miracle†weight loss products and programs. A good way to avoid being ripped off by these scams is to use your common sense: if it looks too good to be true, it probably is. In the digital age, we are offered a wide variety of conveniences and services through the Internet. Even though most of these can be useful, there are many evils out there in the digital world. Although there is probably no way we can ever make the Internet one hundred percent safe, we can use our good judgement to keep ourselves out of harms way. This includes knowing the tip-offs for online scams, never giving your credit card numbers out to sources that you don’t trust, and most importantly, monitoring your child when he or she is on the computer. It is up to the Internet user to keep themselves safe from the dangers that lurk on-line.
American Colonies: Contrasting the New England and Southern Colonists :: American America History
American Colonies: Contrasting the New England and Southern Colonists The New England and Southern Colonies were both settled largely by the English. By 1700, the regions had evolved into two distinct societies. The southern colonies have characteristics that are the antithesis of the New England colonies attributes. New England was colonized for Freedom of Worship and freedom of political thought. The Southern colonies were developed for freedom of economic opportunity. The New England colonies had aspirations for a distinct society, where they could show their homeland, how a country should be run. The southern colonies had goals for mercantilism, and increasing the prosperity of England. The New England colonies were based on theocracy, where the state forced the people to live and worship in an orthodox way. The southern colonies(Virginia) had a government based on a royal government, where the state was governed by a governor and council named by the king, and an elected assembly chosen by the people. Finally, the New England colonies wanted to establish the colony for religious motives, while the southern colonies were established for economic motives. England and the rebels of England (Pilgrims), made up the New England and southern colonies. "God Almighty in his most holy and wise providence hath so disposed of the condition of mankind, in all times some must be rich, some poor, some high and eminent in power and dignity, other mean and in subjection. Yet we must be knit together in this work as one man."(John Winthrop, A Model of Christian Charity) This statement by John Winthrop, demonstrates importance of religion in the lives of the New England settlers. "We must delight in each other, make others' conditions our own, rejoice together, mourn together, labor and suffer together, always having before our eyes our commission and community in the work, our community as members of the same body." (John Winthrop, A Model of Christian Charity). The use of the word "together" and "community" indicates that the New England settlers were of a communal nature, they were less individualistic than the southern colonies. The New England colonies were based on religious freedom, thus their society was reflected the religion. "These underwritten names are to be transported to Virginia, embarked in the Merchant's Hope, Hugh Weston, Master, per examination by the minister of Gravesend touching upon their conformity to the Church discipline of England, and have taken oaths of allegiance and supremacy:" (Ship's List of Emigrants Bound for Virginia). The use of the word "Master", shows, that the southern colonies were more of a individualistic state rather than a communal state(New England).
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